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Subexponential time relations in the class group of large degree number fields

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • Hafner and McCurley described a subexponential time algorithm to compute the ideal class group of a quadratic field, which was generalized to families of fixed degree number fields by Buchman. The main ingredient of this method is a subexponential time algorithm to derive relations between primes of norm bounded by a subexponential value. Besides ideal class group computation, this was successfully used to evaluate isogenies, compute endomorphism rings, solve the discrete logarithm problem in the class group and find a generator of a principal ideal. In this paper, we present a generalization of the relation search to classes of number fields with degree growing to infinity.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 11R11, 11R29, 11Y40; Secondary: 11Y16.


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