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Global existence and stability for a hydrodynamic system in the nematic liquid crystal flows

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • In this paper we consider a coupled hydrodynamical system which involves the Navier-Stokes equations for the velocity field and kinematic transport equations for the molecular orientation field. By applying the Chemin-Lerner's time-space estimates for the heat equation and the Fourier localization technique, we prove that when initial data belongs to the critical Besov spaces with negative-order, there exists a unique local solution, and this solution is global when initial data is small enough. As a corollary, we obtain existence of global self-similar solution. In order to figure out the relation between the solution obtained here and weak solutions of standard sense, we establish a stability result, which yields in a direct way that all global weak solutions associated with the same initial data must coincide with the solution obtained here, namely, weak-strong uniqueness holds.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 35A01, 35B35; Secondary: 76A15.


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