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Low regularity well-posedness for the 2D Maxwell-Klein-Gordon equation in the Coulomb gauge

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • We consider the Maxwell-Klein-Gordon equation in 2D in the Coulomb gauge. We establish local well-posedness for $s=\frac 14+\epsilon$ for data for the spatial part of the gauge potentials and for $s=\frac 58+\epsilon$ for the solution $\phi$ of the gauged Klein-Gordon equation. The main tool for handling the wave equations is the product estimate established by D'Ancona, Foschi, and Selberg. Due to low regularity, we are unable to use the conventional approaches to handle the elliptic variable $A_0$, so we provide a new approach.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 35L70; Secondary: 35J15.


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