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The use of the Morse theory to estimate the number of nontrivial solutions of a nonlinear Schrödinger equation with a magnetic field

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The first author is supported by CNPq/Brazil

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  • Nonlinear Schrödinger equations with an external magnetic field and a power nonlinearity with subcritical exponent $ p $ are considered. It is established a lower bound to the number of nontrivial solutions to these equations in terms of the topology of the domains in which the problem is given if $ p $ is suitably close to the critical exponent $ 2^* = 2N/(N-2) $, $ N \geq 3 $. To prove this lower bound, based on a proof of a result of Benci and Cerami, it is provided an abstract result that establishes Morse relations that are used to count solutions.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 58E05, 35A15; Secondary: 35Q55, 35J15.


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