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The spectrum and an index formula for the Neumann $p-$Laplacian and multiple solutions for problems with a crossing nonlinearity

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • In this paper we first conduct a study of the spectrum of the negative $p$-Laplacian with Neumann boundary conditions. More precisely we investigate the first nonzero eigenvalue. We produce alternative variational characterizations, we examine its dependence on $p\in( 1,\infty) $ and on the weight function $m\in L^{\infty}(Z) _{+}$ and we prove that the isolation of the principal eigenvalue $\lambda_{0}=0,$ is uniform for all $p$ in a bounded closed interval. All these results are then used to prove an index formula (jumping theorem) for the $d_{( S)_{+}}-$degree map at the first nonzero eigenvalue. Finally the index formula is used to prove a multiplicity result for problems with a multivalued crossing nonlinearity.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 35J60, 35J65.


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