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Asymptotic behaviour of a non-autonomous Lorenz-84 system

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • The so called Lorenz-84 model has been used in climatological studies, for example by coupling it with a low-dimensional model for ocean dynamics. The behaviour of this model has been studied extensively since its introduction by Lorenz in 1984. In this paper we study the asymptotic behaviour of a non-autonomous Lorenz-84 version with several types of non-autonomous features. We prove the existence of pullback and uniform attractors for the process associated to this model. In particular we consider that the non-autonomous forcing terms are more general than almost periodic. Finally, we estimate the Hausdorff dimension of the pullback attractor. We illustrate some examples of pullback attractors by numerical simulations.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: 37B55, 35B41, 37L30.


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