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Wavefronts of a stage structured model with state--dependent delay

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • This paper deals with a diffusive stage structured model with state-dependent delay which is assumed to be an increasing function of the population density. Compared with the constant delay, the state--dependent delay makes the dynamic behavior more complex. For the state--dependent delay system, the dynamic behavior is dependent of the diffusion coefficients, while the equilibrium state of constant delay system is not destabilized by diffusion. Through calculating the minimum wave speed, we find that the wave is slowed down by the state-dependent delay. Then, the existence of traveling waves is obtained by constructing a pair of upper--lower solutions and using Schauder's fixed point theorem. Finally, the traveling wavefront solutions for large wave speed are also discussed, and the fronts appear to be all monotone, regardless of the state dependent delay. This is an interesting property, since many findings are frequently reported that delay causes a loss of monotonicity, with the front developing a prominent hump in some other delay models.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: 92D25, 34D23, 34K20, 35K57.


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