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Regions of stability for a linear differential equation with two rationally dependent delays

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • Stability analysis is performed for a linear differential equation with two delays. Geometric arguments show that when the two delays are rationally dependent, then the region of stability increases. When the ratio has the form $1/n$, this study finds the asymptotic shape and size of the stability region. For example, a delay ratio of $1/3$ asymptotically produces a stability region about 44.3% larger than any nearby delay ratios, showing extreme sensitivity in the delays. The study provides a systematic and geometric approach to finding the eigenvalues on the boundary of stability for this delay differential equation. A nonlinear model with two delays illustrates how our methods can be applied.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 37C75, 37G15; Secondary: 39B82.


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