In application areas, such as biology, physics and engineering, delays
arise naturally because of the time it takes for the system to react
to internal or external events. Often the associated mathematical
model features more than one delay that are then weighted by some
distribution function. This paper considers the effect of delay
distribution on the asymptotic stability of the zero solution of
functional differential equations - the corresponding mathematical
models. We first show that the asymptotic stability of the zero
solution of a first-order scalar equation with symmetrically
distributed delays follows from the stability of the corresponding
equation where the delay is fixed and given by the mean of the
distribution. This result completes a proof of a stability condition
in [Bernard, S., Bélair, J. and Mackey, M. C. Sufficient
conditions for stability of linear differential equations with
distributed delay. Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. B,
1(2):233-256, 2001], which was motivated in turn by an application
from biology. We also discuss the corresponding case of second-order
scalar delay differential equations, because they arise in physical
systems that involve oscillating components. An example shows that it
is not possible to give a general result for the second-order
case. Namely, the boundaries of the stability regions of the
distributed-delay equation and of the mean-delay equation may
intersect, even if the distribution is symmetric.
Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 34K20, 34K06; Secondary: 92C37, 62P30.
\begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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