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Equi-attraction and continuity of attractors for skew-product semiflows

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • In this paper we prove the equivalence between equi-attraction and continuity of attractors for skew-product semi-flows, and equi-attraction and continuity of uniform and cocycle attractors associated to non-autonomous dynamical systems. To this aim proper notions of equi-attraction have to be introduced in phase spaces where the driving systems depend on a parameter. Results on the upper and lower-semicontinuity of uniform and cocycle attractors are relatively new in the literature, as a deep understanding of the internal structure of these sets is needed, which is generically difficult to obtain. The notion of lifted invariance for uniform attractors allows us to compare the three types of attractors and introduce a common framework in which to study equi-attraction and continuity of attractors. We also include some results on the rate of attraction to the associated attractors.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: 37B25, 37L99, 35B40, 35B41.


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