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Optimal elliptic regularity: A comparison between local and nonlocal equations

*The author was partially supported by Gruppo Nazionale per l’Analisi Matematica, la Probabilità e le loro Applicazioni (INdAM).
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  • Given $L≥1$ , we discuss the problem of determining the highest $α=α(L)$ such that any solution to a homogeneous elliptic equation in divergence form with ellipticity ratio bounded by $L$ is in $C^α_{\rm loc}$ . This problem can be formulated both in the classical and non-local framework. In the classical case it is known that $α(L)≳ {\rm exp}(-CL^β)$ , for some $C, β≥q$ depending on the dimension $N≥q$ . We show that in the non-local case, $α(L)≳ L^{-1-δ}$ for all $δ>0$ .

    Mathematics Subject Classification: 6E35, 35B40, 49K22.


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