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Long-time behavior of the one-phase Stefan problem in periodic and random media

  • * Corresponding author: Norbert Požár

    * Corresponding author: Norbert Požár 
Abstract / Introduction Full Text(HTML) Related Papers Cited by
  • We study the long-time behavior of solutions of the one-phase Stefan problem in inhomogeneous media in dimensions n ≥ 2. Using the technique of rescaling which is consistent with the evolution of the free boundary, we are able to show the homogenization of the free boundary velocity as well as the locally uniform convergence of the rescaled solution to a self-similar solution of the homogeneous Hele-Shaw problem with a point source. Moreover, by viscosity solution methods, we also deduce that the rescaled free boundary uniformly approaches a sphere with respect to Hausdorff distance.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: 35B27 (35R35, 74A50, 80A22).


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