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On the convergence to equilibria of a sequence defined by an implicit scheme

  • * Corresponding author: Thierry Horsin

    * Corresponding author: Thierry Horsin 

Dedicated to the memory of Ezzeddine ZAHROUNI
Both authors wishes to thank Morgan Pierre for fruitful comments. They are also grateful to the referees for their very useful comments. The first author wishes to thanks the organizers of ICAAM 2019 in Hammamet, Tunisia, where this work was initiated. The second author wishes to thanks CNAM, France where this work was partially completed.

Abstract / Introduction Full Text(HTML) Related Papers Cited by
  • We present numerical implicit schemes based on a geometric approach of the study of the convergence of solutions of gradient-like systems given in [3]. Depending on the globality of the induced metric, we can prove the convergence of these algorithms.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 34D05, 65L07; Secondary: 34C40.


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