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On a parabolic-hyperbolic filter for multicolor image noise reduction

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • We propose a novel PDE-based anisotropic filter for noise reduction in multicolor images. It is a generalization of Nitzberg & Shiota's (1992) model being a hyperbolic relaxation of the well-known parabolic Perona & Malik's filter (1990). First, we consider a `spatial' mollifier-type regularization of our PDE system and exploit the maximal $L^{2}$-regularity theory for non-autonomous forms to prove a well-posedness result both in weak and strong settings. Again, using the maximal $L^{2}$-regularity theory and Schauder's fixed point theorem, respective solutions for the original quasilinear problem are obtained and the uniqueness of solutions with a bounded gradient is proved. Finally, the long-time behavior of our model is studied.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 35G61, 35M33, 65J15; Secondary: 35B30, 35D30, 35D35.


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