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Measurable solutions to general evolution inclusions

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  • This work establishes the existence of measurable solutions to evolution inclusions involving set-valued pseudomonotone operators that depend on a random variable $ \omega\in \Omega $ that is an element of a measurable space $ (\Omega, \mathcal{F}) $. This result considerably extends the current existence results for such evolution inclusions since there are no assumptions made on the uniqueness of the solution, even in the cases where the parameter $ \omega $ is held constant, which leads to the usual evolution inclusion. Moreover, when one assumes the uniqueness of the solution, then the existence of progressively measurable solutions under reasonable and mild assumptions on the set-valued operators, initial data and forcing functions is established. The theory developed here allows for the inclusion of memory or history dependent terms and degenerate equations of mixed type. The proof is based on a new result for measurable solutions to a parameter dependent family of elliptic equations. Finally, when the choice $ \omega = t $ is made, where $ t $ is the time and $ \Omega = [0, T] $, the results apply to a wide range of quasistatic inclusions, many of which arise naturally in contact mechanics, among many other applications.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 35R60; Secondary: 35Q74, 60H25.


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