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A nonlocal Weickert type PDE applied to multi-frame super-resolution

  • * Corresponding author: F. Ait Bella

    * Corresponding author: F. Ait Bella 
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  • In this paper, we propose a nonlocal Weickert type PDE for the multiframe super-resolution task. The proposed PDE can not only preserve singularities and edges while smoothing, but also can keep safe the texture much better. This PDE is based on the nonlocal setting of the anisotropic diffusion behavior by constructing a nonlocal term of Weickert type, which is known by its coherence enhancing diffusion tensor properties. A mathematical study concerning the well-posedness of the nonlocal PDE is also investigated with an appropriate choice of the functional space. This PDE has demonstrated its efficiency by combining the diffusion process of Perona-Malik in the flat regions and the anisotropic diffusion of the Weickert model near strong edges, as well as the ability of the non-local term to preserve the texture. The elaborated experimental results give a great insight into the effectiveness of the proposed nonlocal PDE compared to some PDEs, visually and quantitatively.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 58F15, 58F17; Secondary: 53C35.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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  • Figure 1.  Some possible configurations for $ \Omega $ and $ \Omega_I $

    Figure 2.  The denoising result of the restored "Square" image whit Gaussian noise (parameter $ \sigma^2 = 0.03 $)

    Figure 3.  The denoising result of the restored "Cercle" image whith the Gaussian noise (parameter $ \sigma = 0.04 $)

    Figure 4.  The denoising result of the restored "Motif" image when the impulse noise is neglected (parameter $ \sigma = 0.03 $)

    Figure 5.  The super-resolution results of our model when the Gaussian noise is considered with $ \sigma^2 = 0.03 $ and comparisons with other SR models for the "Butterfly" image

    Figure 6.  Super-resolution results of our model when $ \sigma^2 = 0.04 $, and comparisons with other models for the "Penguin" image

    Figure 7.  The super-resolution results of our model when the Gaussian noise is considered with $ \sigma^2 = 0.05 $ and comparisons with other models for the "Build" image

    Figure 8.  The super-resolution results of the sequence "Cash-box". The btained PSNR values for these methods are depicated such as : SRCN (32.77), LRSC (33.27), SBM3D (33.88), Our (33.79)

    Figure 9.  The super-resolution results of the sequence "Satellite". The btained PSNR values for these methods are depicated such as : SRCN (25.11), LRSC (25.29), SBM3D (25.58), Our (26.08)

    Figure 10.  The super-resolution results of the video sequence "Text"

    Figure 11.  The super-resolution results of the video sequence "Bar-code" image

    Figure 12.  The super-resolution results of the video sequence "Wheel"

    Table 1.  The PSNR results of different SR methods for selected images. Note that we used a benchmark of $ 30 $ images in our tests and present only ten in this table

    Image $ \sigma^2 $ noise SR method
    Butterfly $ \sigma^2=0.03 $ 29.33 29.11 30.12 31.02 31.06 32.54
    Penguin $ \sigma^2=0.04 $ 27.88 28.29 28.52 29.04 29.21 29.90
    Build $ \sigma^2=0.05 $ 25.33 25.06 25.83 26.52 27.44 28.03
    Barbara $ \sigma^2=0.06 $ 24.66 25.60 26.42 26.74 28.03 28.10
    Pirate $ \sigma^2=0.02 $ 30.12 30.87 31.02 31.86 32.10 32.53
    Lena $ \sigma^2=0.04 $ 29.44 30.12 30.06 31.17 30.54 31.50
    Cameraman $ \sigma^2=0.01 $ 30.06 30.97 30.52 31.11 31.74 32.86
    Baboon $ \sigma^2=0.02 $ 30.10 30.22 31.08 31.16 31.99 32.40
    Fly $ \sigma^2=0.03 $ 29.44 29.70 30.16 30.22 30.76 31.05
    Horses $ \sigma^2=0.01 $ 29.88 30.44 30.77 30.49 31.42 32.20
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    Table 2.  The SSIM results of different SR methods for selected images. Note that we used a benchmark of $ 30 $ images in our tests and present only ten in this table

    Image $ \sigma^2 $ noise SR method
    Butterfly $ \sigma^2=0.03 $ 0.822 0.829 0.839 0.877 0.888 0.901
    Penguin $ \sigma^2=0.04 $ 0.785 0.796 0.806 0.828 0.843 0.882
    Build $ \sigma^2=0.05 $ 0.683 0.694 0.714 0.730 0.764 0.800
    Barbara $ \sigma^2=0.06 $ 0.626 0.660 0.691 0.674 0.708 0.755
    Pirate $ \sigma^2=0.02 $ 0.839 0.847 0.855 0.891 0.886 0.922
    Lena $ \sigma^2=0.04 $ 0.760 0.775 0.793 0.811 0.826 0.829
    Cameraman $ \sigma^2=0.01 $ 0.881 0.902 0.933 0.948 0.942 0.967
    Baboon $ \sigma^2=0.02 $ 0.826 0.836 0.842 0.859 0.870 0.889
    Fly $ \sigma^2=0.03 $ 0.781 0.767 0.807 0.819 0.826 0.867
    Horses $ \sigma^2=0.01 $ 0.869 0.890 0.917 0.923 0.948 0.968
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