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Video stabilization of atmospheric turbulence distortion

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • We present a method to enhance the quality of a video sequence captured through a turbulent atmospheric medium, and give an estimate of the radiance of the distant scene, represented as a ``latent image,'' which is assumed to be static throughout the video. Due to atmospheric turbulence, temporal averaging produces a blurred version of the scene's radiance. We propose a method combining Sobolev gradient and Laplacian to stabilize the video sequence, and a latent image is further found utilizing the ``lucky region" method. The video sequence is stabilized while keeping sharp details, and the latent image shows more consistent straight edges. We analyze the well-posedness for the stabilizing PDE and the linear stability of the numerical scheme.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 68U10; Secondary: 35B65, 35B35.


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