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The "exterior approach" to solve the inverse obstacle problem for the Stokes system

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • We apply an ``exterior approach" based on the coupling of a method of quasi-reversibility and of a level set method in order to recover a fixed obstacle immersed in a Stokes flow from boundary measurements. Concerning the method of quasi-reversibility, two new mixed formulations are introduced in order to solve the ill-posed Cauchy problems for the Stokes system by using some classical conforming finite elements. We provide some proofs for the convergence of the quasi-reversibility methods on the one hand and of the level set method on the other hand. Some numerical experiments in $2D$ show the efficiency of the two mixed formulations and of the exterior approach based on one of them.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: 35A15, 35M30, 35R25, 35R30, 35R35, 65M60.


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