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A new computer-aided method for detecting brain metastases on contrast-enhanced MR images

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • This paper presents a new computer-aided method for detection of brain metastases at early-stage (diameter less than $6$mm) on MR images. The proposed detection method has a high level of sensitivity with a relatively low number of false-positives. The strong detection capability of the method is possible due to a size filtering function that sorts out metastases based on the geometry and size. In experiments, we used whole-brain MR data acquired with a contrast-enhanced black-blood type MR imaging technique, which enables distinction of brain metastases from blood vessels. The proposed method performed highly in analysis of the results of experimental MR data and numerical simulation. Because the proposed method has unique features, it could be used in combination with a complementary pre-existing technique.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: 00A69, 00A66, 94A08.


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