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Estimation of conductivity changes in a region of interest with electrical impedance tomography

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • This paper proposes a novel approach to reconstruct changes in a target conductivity from electrical impedance tomography measurements. As in the conventional difference imaging, the reconstruction of the conductivity change is based on electrical potential measurements from the exterior boundary of the target before and after the change. In this paper, however, images of the conductivity before and after the change are reconstructed simultaneously based on the two data sets. The key feature of the approach is that the conductivity after the change is parameterized as a linear combination of the initial state and the change. This allows for modeling independently the spatial characteristics of the background conductivity and the change of the conductivity - by separate regularization functionals. The approach also allows in a straightforward way the restriction of the conductivity change to a localized region of interest inside the domain. While conventional difference imaging reconstruction is based on a global linearization of the observation model, the proposed approach amounts to solving a non-linear inverse problem. The feasibility of the proposed reconstruction method is tested experimentally and with a simulation which demonstrates a potential new medical application of electrical impedance tomography: imaging of vocal folds in voice loading studies.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 65M32, 65N21, 92C55; Secondary: 65Z05, 65M60.


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