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Picard group of isotropic realizations of twisted Poisson manifolds

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • Let $B$ be a twisted Poisson manifold with a fixed tropical affine structure given by a period bundle $P$. In this paper, we study the classification of almost symplectically complete isotropic realizations (ASCIRs) over $B$ in the spirit of [10]. We construct a product among ASCIRs in analogy with tensor product of line bundles, thereby introducing the notion of the Picard group of $B$. We give descriptions of the Picard group in terms of exact sequences involving certain sheaf cohomology groups, and find that the `Néron-Severi group' is isomorphic to $H^2(B, \underline{P})$. An example of an ASCIR over a certain open subset of a compact Lie group is discussed.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 53D15, 53D17; Secondary: 55N30.


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