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Applications of a nonlinear optimization solver and two-stage comprehensive Denoising techniques for optimum underwater wideband sonar echolocation system

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • This paper focuses on empirical design and performs real data test of a novel algorithm that contributes to the purpose of solving a specific SIP problem arising from a classical wideband active sonar echo location system in noisy environment. The algorithm is achieved by firstly isolating potential contact signals of interest embedded in the scattered returns through the first-stage denoising using an adaptive noise canceling (ANC) neuro-fuzzy scheme. The ANC output is then feed into an iterative target motion analysis (TMA) scheme composed of the second-stage denoising and optimal motion estimation. In the first-stage denoising, the adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) is the core processor of ANC for tracking both the linear and nonlinear relations among complex contact signals. The second-stage denoising is appealed for further noise compression and is accomplished via trimmed-mean (TM) levelization and discrete wavelet denoising (WDeN). The two-stage comprehensive denoising techniques yield fine tuned signals for the system deconvolution based on solving a semi-infinite programming (SIP) problem. These two schemes form an ANC-TMA(CWT) algorithm for rapid processing of target echoes and provide a higher degree of signal detection capability with an increased robustness against false signal detections. Advantages and simulation results are discussed in terms of detection performance and computational time consumption.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: 90C34.


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