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New infinite families of pseudo-Anosov maps with vanishing Sah-Arnoux-Fathi invariant

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • We show that an orientable pseudo-Anosov homeomorphism has vanishing Sah-Arnoux-Fathi invariant if and only if the minimal polynomial of its dilatation is not reciprocal. We relate this to works of Margalit-Spallone and Birman, Brinkmann and Kawamuro. Mainly, we use Veech's construction of pseudo-Anosov maps to give explicit pseudo-Anosov maps of vanishing Sah-Arnoux-Fathi invariant. In particular, we give a new infinite family of such maps in genus 3.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 37E30, 57M50; Secondary: 11R06.


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