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A kinetic model for the formation of swarms with nonlinear interactions

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • The present paper deals with the modeling of formation and destruction of swarms using a nonlinear Boltzmann--like equation. We introduce a new model that contains parameters characterizing the attractiveness or repulsiveness of individuals. The model can represent both gregarious and solitarious behaviors. In the latter case we provide a mathematical analysis in the space homogeneous case. Moreover we identify relevant hydrodynamic limits on a formal way. We introduce some preliminary results in the case of gregarious behavior and we indicate open problems for further research. Finally, we provide numerical simulations to illustrate the ability of the model to represent formation or destruction of swarms.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: 47G20, 76N10, 78M35, 82C22, 92C15, 92D25.


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