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Singular perturbation and bifurcation of diffuse transition layers in inhomogeneous media, part II

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • In this paper, we study the connection between the bifurcation of diffuse transition layers and that of the underlying limit interfacial problem in a degenerate spatially inhomogeneous medium. In dimension one, we prove the existence of bifurcation of diffuse interfaces in a pitchfork spatial inhomogeneity for a partial differential equation with bistable type nonlinearity. Bifurcation point is characterized quantitatively as well. The main conclusion is that the bifurcation diagram of the diffuse transition layers inherits mostly from that of the zeros of the spatial inhomogeneity. However, explicit examples are given for which the bifurcation of these two are different in terms of (im)perfection. This is a continuation of [8] which makes use of bilinear nonlinearity allowing the use of explicit solution formula. In the current work, we extend the results to a general smooth nonlinear function. We perform detail analysis of the principal eigenvalue and eigenfunction of some singularly perturbed eigenvalue problems and their interaction with the background inhomogeneity. This is the first result that takes into account simultaneously the interaction between singular perturbation, spatial inhomogeneity and bifurcation.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 35B25, 35B32, 35K57; Secondary: 34D15, 34E05, 34E10.


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