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Coupling conditions for the transition from supersonic to subsonic fluid states

  • * Corresponding author: Michael Herty

    * Corresponding author: Michael Herty 
The first author is supported by the DFG Collaborative Research Centre SFB-TR-154, C03. The second author is supported by NSF RNMS grant No. 1107444, DFG HE5386/13, 14, 15-1 and the DAAD{MIUR project.The third author is supported by the DFG Collaborative Research Center SFB-TR-40, TP A1.
Abstract / Introduction Full Text(HTML) Figure(3) / Table(2) Related Papers Cited by
  • We discuss coupling conditions for the p-system in case of a transition from supersonic states to subsonic states. A single junction with adjacent pipes is considered where on each pipe the gas flow is governed by a general p-system. By extending the notion of demand and supply known from traffic flow analysis we obtain a constructive existence result of solutions compatible with the introduced conditions.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 35L60, 35L04; Secondary: 35R02.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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  • Figure 1.  Junction of $n+m=|\delta^-|+|\delta^+|$ connected pipes

    Figure 2.  The supply function $\rho {\,\mapsto\,} s(\rho;\bar{U})$ in red for given data $\bar{U}$ indicated by a cross for $\bar{\rho }>\rho^*$ (left) and $\bar{\rho }<\rho^*$ (right). Also shown in blue is the curve $L_2^-.$ The state $U^*$ is indicated by a circle.

    Figure 3.  The demand function $\rho {\,\mapsto\,} d(\rho; \bar{U})$ in red for given data $\bar{U}$. Also shown in blue is the curve $L_1.$

    Table 1.  Random initial states $U_{0,k}$ on incoming pipes $k<0$ and outgoing pipes $k>0.$ The initial difference in the sum of the mass fluxes is given by $\Delta = 9.162e+00.$

    Pipe $k$$(\rho_{0,k},q_{0,k})$$p(\rho_{0,k})$
    -1(5.151e-01, 2.519e+00)2.653e-01
    -2(6.317e-01, 2.794e+00)3.991e-01
    -3(6.642e-01, 3.905e+00)4.412e-01
    1(5.730e-01, -2.648e-01)3.283e-01
    2(7.460e-01, -1.523e-01)5.565e-01
    3(5.931e-01, -1.280e-01)3.518e-01
    4(5.849e-01, 6.020e-01)3.421e-01
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    Table 2.  Terminal states $U_{k}(t,0\pm)$ for $k\in\delta^\pm.$ The difference in the sum of the mass fluxes is zero

    Pipe $k$$(\rho_{k},q_{k})$$p(\rho_{k})$
    -1(2.089e+00, 5.101e+00)4.364e+00
    -2(2.089e+00, 4.868e+00)4.364e+00
    -3(2.089e+00, 8.090e+00)4.364e+00
    1(2.089e+00, 3.757e+00)4.364e+00
    2(2.089e+00, 3.357e+00)4.364e+00
    3(2.089e+00, 4.147e+00)4.364e+00
    4(2.089e+00, 6.798e+00)4.364e+00
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