In this paper, we investigate the well-posedness of weak solutions to the time-fractional Fokker–Planck equation. Its dynamics is governed by anomalous diffusion, and we consider the most general case of space-time dependent forces. Consequently, the fractional derivatives appear on the right-hand side of the equation, and they cannot be brought to the left-hand side, which would have been preferable from an analytical perspective. For showing the model's well-posedness, we derive an energy inequality by considering nonstandard and novel testing methods that involve a series of convolutions and integrations. We close the estimate by a Henry–Gronwall-type inequality. Lastly, we propose a numerical algorithm based on a nonuniform L1 scheme and present some simulation results for various forces.
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Nonuniform time meshes on the interval
Plot of the solution
Plot of the solution
Plot of the solution
Plot of the solution
Plot of the solution
Plot of the solution to the time-fractional Fokker–Planck equation (20) (ⅰ) and the model with no right-hand side (ⅱ) for varying time