We study the large time behavior of a system of interacting agents modeling the relaxation of a large swarm of robots, whose task is to uniformly cover a portion of the domain by communicating with each other in terms of their distance. To this end, we generalize a related result for a Fokker-Planck-type model with a nonlocal discontinuous drift and constant diffusion, recently introduced by three of the authors, of which the steady distribution is explicitly computable. For this new nonlocal Fokker-Planck equation, existence, uniqueness and positivity of a global solution are proven, together with precise equilibration rates of the solution towards its quasi-stationary distribution. Numerical experiments are designed to verify the theoretical findings and explore possible extensions to more complex scenarios.
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Figure 2. Test 1a. Evolution of the reconstructed distribution functions of the particles' systems (26)-(27) given by $ f^{N}_1(x) $, $ f^{N}_2(x) $ in the case $ P\equiv1 $ at different times $ t = 1, 5, 10, 20 $ and for $ \lambda = 0.2, 0.8 $. We considered an Euler-Maruyama scheme with $ N = 10^5 $ and $ \Delta t = 10^{-2} $, the histograms have been obtained in the interval $ [-5, 5] $ with $ N_x = 101 $ gridpoints and the target domain is $ D = \{x \in \mathbb R: |x-x_0|\le \frac{1}{2}\} $, $ x_0 = 0 $ and $ m_1, \sigma^2>0 $ solution to the system (5) in such a way $ m_2 = 0.8 $ and $ \delta = \frac{1}{2} $
Figure 3. Test 1a. Comparison between the reconstructed distribution functions $ f_1^{N}(x, t) $ (top row) and $ f_2^{N}(x, t) $ (bottom row) for increasing $ N = 10^{4} $, $ N = 10^5 $ of the particles' systems (26)-(27) in the case $ P\equiv 1 $, with the numerical solution of Fokker-Planck models defined in (1)-(16) and denoted by $ f_1(x, t) $, $ f_2(x, t) $. We considered $ \lambda = 0.2 $, a discretization of the interval $ [-5, 5] $ obtained with $ N_x = 101 $ gridpoints. The target domain is $ D = \{x \in \mathbb R: |x-x_0|\le \frac{1}{2}\} $, $ x_0 = 0 $ and $ m_1, \sigma^2>0 $ solution to (5) with $ m_2 = 0.8 $ and $ \delta = \frac{1}{2} $. Initial condition defined in (28)
Figure 4. Test 1b. Comparison between the reconstructed distribution function $ f^{N}(x, t) $ for increasing $ N = 10^{4} $, $ N = 10^5 $ of the particles' systems (26) in the case $ P(x, y) $ in (29), with the numerical solution of Fokker-Planck models defined in (1) and denoted by $ f(x, t) $. We considered $ \lambda = 0.2 $, a discretization of the interval $ [-5, 5] $ obtained with $ N_x = 101 $ gridpoints. The target domain is $ D = \{x \in \mathbb R: |x-x_0|\le \frac{1}{2}\} $, $ x_0 = 0 $ and $ \sigma^2 = 0.2 $ of Figure 3 and $ \delta = \frac{1}{2} $. Initial condition defined in (28)
Figure 5. Test 1b. Evolution of the particles' mean position. We denote with $ \bar u_1(t) $ the mean position obtained from (26), with $ \bar u_2(t) $ the one obtained from (27) and with $ \bar u_3(t) $ the one obtained with space dependent interactions $ P(x, y) $ (29) in (26). In all the tests we considered $ N = 10^4 $ particles evolving over the time interval $ [0, 10] $ with $ \Delta t = 10^{-2} $. The target domain is $ D = \{x \in \mathbb R: |x-x_0|\le \frac{1}{2}\} $ and we fixed the relevant parameters of Figure 4. We considered the case $ \lambda = 0.2 $ (left) and $ \lambda = 0.8 $ (right). Initial distribution defined in (28)
Figure 6. Test 1c. Top row: evolution of the particles' distribution $ f^N( \mathbf{x}, t) $ at times $ t = 0, 1, 10 $ obtained from (26) with $ P\equiv1 $. Second row: evolution o the numerical solution of the Fokker-Planck equation (16) over the same grid. Bottom row: evolution of the marginal densities of $ f^N( \mathbf{x}, t) $ and $ f( \mathbf{x}, t) $. We considered as target domain $ D = \{ \mathbf{x} \in \mathbb R^2: | \mathbf{x}- \mathbf{x}_0|\le 1\} $, $ \mathbf{x}_0 = (0, 0) $, $ \sigma^2 = 0.2 $ and $ \lambda = 0.2 $, the nonconstant diffusion function $ \kappa( \mathbf{x}, \tilde {\mathbf{x}}_0) $ has been defined in (15). We introduced a grid of $ N_x = 81 $ gridpoints in $ [-5, 5] $, time discretization of $ [0, 10] $ with $ \Delta t = 10^{-2} $. Initial condition given in (30)
Figure 7. Test 1c. Top row: evolution of the particles' distribution $ f^N( \mathbf{x}, t) $ at times $ t = 0, 1, 10 $ obtained from (26) with $ P( \mathbf{x}, \mathbf y) $ in (29) and $ N = 10^4 $ particles. Second row: evolution o the numerical solution of the Fokker-Planck equation (1) over the same grid. Bottom row: evolution of the marginal densities of $ f^N( \mathbf{x}, t) $ and $ f( \mathbf{x}, t) $. We considered as target domain $ D = \{ \mathbf{x} \in \mathbb R^2: | \mathbf{x}- \mathbf{x}_0|\le 1\} $, $ \mathbf{x}_0 = (0, 0) $, $ \sigma^2 = 0.2 $ and $ \lambda = 0.2 $. We introduced a grid of $ N_x = 81 $ gridpoints in $ [-5, 5] $, time discretization of $ [0, 10] $ with $ \Delta t = 10^{-2} $. Initial condition given in (30)
Figure 8. Test 2. Left: evolution of the relative entropy functional $ H(f|f^\infty)(t) $ obtained from (16), $ d = 1 $, and analytical equilibrium $ f^\infty( \mathbf{x}) $ defined in (4). Right: evolution of the entropy functional $ H(f|f^ \rm{ref}_\lambda)(t) $ for the Fokker-Planck equation (1), $ d = 1 $, with space-dependent $ P(x, y) $ defined in (29). The reference solution $ f^ \rm{ref}_\lambda(x, T) $ have been obtained for a discrertization of $ [-5, 5] $ with $ N_x = 801 $ gridpoints and $ T = 50 $. In both cases $ \Delta t = \frac{\Delta x^2}{10} $ and the initial distribution is (33)
Figure 9. Test 2. Left: evolution of the relative entropy functional $ H(f|f^\infty)(t) $ obtained from (16), $ d = 2 $, and analytical equilibrium $ f^\infty( \mathbf{x}) $ defined in (4). Right: evolution of the entropy functional $ H(f|f^ \rm{ref}_\lambda)(t) $ for the Fokker-Planck equation (1), $ d = 1 $, with space-dependent $ P( \mathbf{x}, \mathbf{y}) $ defined in (29). The reference solution $ f^ \rm{ref}_\lambda( \mathbf{x}, T) $ have been obtained for a discrertization of $ [-5, 5] \times [-5, 5] $ with $ N_x = 81 $ gridpoints in each space direction and $ T = 50 $. In both cases $ \Delta t = \frac{\Delta x^2}{10} $ and the initial distribution is (33)
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Left: steady state distribution for the 1D problem with
Test 1a. Evolution of the reconstructed distribution functions of the particles' systems (26)-(27) given by
Test 1a. Comparison between the reconstructed distribution functions
Test 1b. Comparison between the reconstructed distribution function
Test 1b. Evolution of the particles' mean position. We denote with
Test 1c. Top row: evolution of the particles' distribution
Test 1c. Top row: evolution of the particles' distribution
Test 2. Left: evolution of the relative entropy functional
Test 2. Left: evolution of the relative entropy functional