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Explainable bilevel optimization: An application to the Helsinki deblur challenge

  • *Corresponding author: Silvia Bonettini

    *Corresponding author: Silvia Bonettini 

All the authors are members of the INdAM research group GNCS

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  • In this paper we present a bilevel optimization scheme for the solution of a general image deblurring problem, in which a parametric variational-like approach is encapsulated within a machine learning scheme to provide a high quality reconstructed image with automatically learned parameters. The ingredients of the variational lower level and the machine learning upper one are specifically chosen for the Helsinki Deblur Challenge 2021, in which sequences of letters are asked to be recovered from out-of-focus photographs with increasing levels of blur. Our proposed procedure for the reconstructed image consists in a fixed number of FISTA iterations applied to the minimization of an edge preserving and binarization enforcing regularized least-squares functional. The parameters defining the variational model and the optimization steps, which, unlike most deep learning approaches, all have a precise and interpretable meaning, are learned via either a similarity index or a support vector machine strategy. Numerical experiments on the test images provided by the challenge authors show significant gains with respect to a standard variational approach and performances comparable with those of some of the proposed deep learning based algorithms which require the optimization of millions of parameters.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 65K10, 47A52; Secondary: 90C30.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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  • Figure 1.  Projection-like function: plot of the function (10) for different choices of the parameters $ \epsilon $. The dashed line represents the Euclidean projector, while the dash-dot line is for the interior barrier projection proposed in [7] with parameter $ 10^{-4} $

    Figure 2.  Dataset definition for the SSIM loss function. Upper row: original HDC data from step 10, Times New Roman, image n.51, CAM1 (a) and CAM2 (b). Middle row: estimated background, represented as an image (c) and as a surface (d). Bottom row: estimated distortion. Panel (e) shows the binarized reconstruction (light blue) of image (b) obtained with a variational method and the edges of the binarized version of (a) (red). The white lines correspond to the pixels where the two images are superimposed. In panel (f), the red edges are obtained after applying the estimated radial distortion to (a)

    Figure 3.  Samples from the SVR training dataset. (A) Noisy image from the step 4 of the Helsinki dataset (OCR score = 52); (B) Synthetic image blurred with a disc PSF of radius 9 (OCR score = 84); (C) Reconstruction with wrong parameters for the variational model (OCR score = 11)

    Figure 4.  For each row, from left to right: ground truth, noisy sample and reconstruction using the SVR merit function with $ K = 70 $ inner iterations. From top to bottom, two images, one per font, are selected for the steps 6 and 8. The corresponding scores are shown in Table 3

    Figure 5.  For each row, from left to right: ground truth, noisy sample and reconstruction using the SVR merit function with $ K = 70 $ inner iterations. From top to bottom, two images, one per font, are selected for the steps10 and 12. The corresponding scores are shown in Table 3

    Figure 6.  Results of Algorithm 1 with the SSIM loss function and 60 unrolled iterations applied to some of the test images employed for the sanity check (step 6)

    Table 1.  Results of the HDC published in November 2021, with our original placement. We are team number 04

    Team Step 6 Step 8 Step 10 Step 12 $ \# $parameters
    15_A 94.03 93.12 93.75 91.42 $ 2.6 $ millions
    12_B 92.62 92.62 85.80 85.95 $ 11 $ millions
    01 91.75 91.65 88.67 87.12 $ 0.187 $ millions
    11_C 87.78 81.25 79.15 62.80 $ 52 $ millions
    06 94.33 85.92 70.17 0.00 $ 2.6 $ millions
    13 71.12 67.12 54.38 64.83 $ 2.2 $ millions
    16_B 76.45 68.35 4.03 7.42 3
    04 68 62.85 24.38 10.70 4
    09_B 6.33 2.27 2.62 4.03 4
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    Table 2.  Average OCR scores obtained on the 40 test images used in Table 1, with the merit functions (14) and (18) (columns SSIM and SVR, respectively)

    $ K = 60 $ $ K = 70 $ $ K = 80 $
    Step 6 85.20 85.60 85.60 82.45 85.08 83.28
    Step 8 83.88 82.63 84.15 81.80 82.45 80.13
    Step 10 70.88 73.90 71.35 76.30 72.72 73.23
    Step 12 60.23 61.53 61.73 48.58 61.90 61.53
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    Table 3.  Comparison between the SVR prediction and the true OCR score for the images of Figure 4 and 5

    Ground truth Noisy sample Reconstruction
    Step 6 Times 100 81.84 0 42.17 100 71.71
    Step 6 Verdana 100 81.91 0 45.64 100 74.18
    Step 8 Times 100 81.91 0 34.44 90 70.1
    Step 8 Verdana 100 81.98 0 37.68 86 75.48
    Step 10 Times 100 81.92 0 31.22 90 66.32
    Step 10 Verdana 100 81.96 0 30.67 100 68.44
    Step 12 Times 100 82.03 0 24.07 76 67.42
    Step 12 Verdana 100 82.03 0 29.05 70 71.53
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