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A new efficiency evaluation approach with rough data: An application to Indian fertilizer

  • *Corresponding author: Alka Arya

    *Corresponding author: Alka Arya 

The authors would like to thank the handling editor and two anonymous reviewers for their valuable and constructive comments

Abstract / Introduction Full Text(HTML) Figure(3) / Table(9) Related Papers Cited by
  • In the world of chaos, nothing is certain. In such an unpredictable world, measuring the efficiency of any individual is inevitable. In a conventional data envelopment analysis (DEA) model, exact input and output quantity data are needed to measure the relative efficiencies of homogeneous decision-making units (DMUs). However, in many real-world applications, the exact knowledge of data might not be available. The rough set theory allows for handling this type of situation. This paper tries to construct a rough DEA model by combining conventional DEA and rough set theory using optimistic and pessimistic $ \beta $ confidence values of rough variables, all of which help provide a way to quantify uncertainty. In the proposed method, the same set of constraints (production possibility sets) is employed to build a unified production frontier for all DMUs that can be used to properly assess each DMU's performance in the presence of rough input and output data. Besides, a ranking system is presented based on the approaches that have been proposed. In the presence of uncertain conditions, this article investigates the efficiency of the Indian fertilizer supply chain for over a decade. The results of the proposed models are compared to the existing DEA models, demonstrating how decision-makers can increase the supply chain performance of Indian fertilizer industries.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 90C08, 60L99; Secondary: 90B06.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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  • Figure 1.  Foodgrains and fertilizers data

    Figure 2.  Production frontier

    Figure 3.  inputs-outputs of the fertilizer supply chain

    Table 1.  DEA in SCM

    Method Data type Application Reference Year
    DEA precise Supply chain [67] 1999
    DEA network precise Swedish pharmacies [42] 1999
    DEA precise Supply chain [46] 2001
    DEA precise Petroleum industry [19] 2002
    DEA precise Taiwan hotels [25] 2003
    DEA precise Power plants [34] 2004
    DEA precise Automotive manufacturer [12] 2008
    Rough DEA uncertain Furniture industry [73] 2009
    DEA precise Enterprise Resource Planning [10] 2009
    Bilevel DEA precise Banking and manufacturing [72] 2010
    DEA precise Korean electronics industry [37] 2012
    DEA precise Green supply chain [45] 2014
    DEA precise Hyundai Steel Company and its suppliers [43] 2015
    DEA uncertain Indian fertilizer supply chain [35] 2017
    Hybrid DEA precise Biodiesel supply chain [8] 2017
    Network DEA precise Tourism supply chain [24] 2018
    Bootstrap DEA precise Healthcare supply chain [33] 2019
    DEA precise Sustainability supply chain [16] 2020
    DEA precise Fairness in supply chain [77] 2021
    DEA uncertain Three-level supply chain [22] 2022
    DEA precise fashion company [55] 2022
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    Table 2.  Algorithm based on optimistic and pessimistic

    Algorithm based on optimistic Algorithm based on pessimistic
    Step O.1. Run model (4.3) for each DMU using rough input-output data and determine $ E_{k}^{\sup(\beta)*} $, $ \beta\in [0.6,1] $. Step P.1. Run model (4.4) for each DMU using rough input-output data and identify $ E_{k}^{\inf(\beta)*},\beta \in[0.6,1] $.
    Step O.2. Let $ I=\{1,2,...,n\} $ be an index set. Let $ S^{\beta}=\{DMU_j:E_{k}^{\sup(\beta)*}=1, \beta \in[0.6,1],j\in \bar{I}\} $ and $ S_1^{\beta}=\{DMU_j:E_{k}^{\sup(\beta)*}<1, \beta \in[0.6,1],j\in I-\bar{I}\}. $ Step P.2. Let $ I=\{1,2,...,n\} $ be an index set. Let $ T^{\beta}=\{DMU_j:E_{k}^{\inf(\beta)*}=1, \beta\in[0.6,1],j\in \bar{I}\} $ and $ T_1^{\beta}=\{DMU_j:E_{k}^{\inf(\beta)*}<1, \beta\in[0.6,1],j\in I-\bar{I}\}. $
    Step O.3. Run model (4.11) for $ DMU_j\in S^{\beta} $. Step P.3. Run model (4.12) for $ DMU_j\in T^{\beta} $.
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    Table 3.  Rough input data of 17 fertilizer supply chains

    Supply chains Equity capital* (I1) Expense* (I2) Asset* (I3)
    F1 ([7509.2, 7509.2], [7509.2, 7509.2]) ([240.5, 603.8], [211.5, 736.8]) ([4373.5, 6321.3], [3862.9, 6382.1])
    F2 ([289.4,289.4], [289.4, 289.4]) ([20206.1, 22745.8], [17372.7, 23111.5]) ([16753.3, 23778.3], [14329.7, 23826.8])
    F3 ([1554.2, 1554.2], [1554.2, 1554.2]) ([49408.6, 55172.2], [49380.9, 57958.6]) ([79968.6, 87233.5], [76429.3, 106448.6])
    F4 ([797, 797], [797, 797]) ([60184.5, 75291.4], [52649.7, 86734.3]) ([94936, 107283.5], [86621.2, 109167.3])
    F5 ([6865.4, 6865.4], [6865.4, 6865.4]) ([213.1, 3886], [55, 3887.4]) ([2376.9, 2537.5], [1959.2, 2546.5])
    F6 ([0.5, 0.5], [0.5, 0.5]) ([24.5, 52], [21.9, 75.5]) ([103, 174.3], [94.4, 174.4])
    F7 ([1185.5, 1185.5], [1185.5, 1185.5]) ([25125.8, 31324.5], [24489.5, 31515]) ([26084.9, 29497.8], [23998.3, 30706.6])
    F8 ([598.1, 598.1], [598.1, 598.1]) ([24220.7, 39241.2], [22108.4, 41624]) ([42063.1, 48246.3], [38859.1, 55072.3])
    F9 ([4905.8, 4905.8], [4905.8, 4905.8]) ([82817.4, 129528], [78476.1, 132068.2]) ([105554.7, 143484.9], [100050.6, 149129.1])
    F10 ([5516.9, 5516.9], [5516.9, 5516.9]) ([74661.9, 90973.8], [70526.9, 95530.9]) ([66844.3, 91464.8], [65371.9, 104968.3])
    F11 ([4162.1, 4162.1], [4162.1, 4162.1]) ([74774.8, 104192.5], [71595, 111565.3]) ([81230.6, 161534.8], [79681.5, 168028])
    F12 ([291.7, 292.5], [291.3, 293]) ([106353.4, 118939.7], [94563, 133142.9]) ([91745.1, 104428.4], [87303.5, 108638])
    F13 ([4208.5, 4249.8], [4205.5, 6275.7]) ([224320.6, 289446.7], [221938.8, 295581.9]) ([229687.6, 305328.3], [208104.5, 353605.4])
    F14 ([5754.5, 5754.5], [5754.5, 5754.5]) ([36494.8, 48006.1], [36223.8, 48545.5]) ([41315.1, 49726.4], [35857.2, 56277.5])
    F15 ([10, 170.5], [10, 170.5]) ([927.3, 30459.4], [442.9, 39144.7]) ([1204, 53449.8], [755.5, 60297.2])
    F16 ([2036.4, 2036.4], [2036.4, 2036.4]) ([18625.4, 21720.7], [15415.4, 26060.8]) ([14791.5, 20521], [12659.8, 21011.4])
    F17 ([2548.2, 2548.2], [2548.2, 2548.2]) ([51823, 79787.4], [27860.5, 96902.6]) ([132773.1, 143680], [129836.8, 153486])
    * Million Indian rupees
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    Table 4.  Rough output data of 17 fertilizer supply chains

    Supply chains Profit after tax* (O1) Sale* (O2) Production** (O3)
    F1 ([301, 1647.8], [86.5, 1909.8]) ([3.1, 11.675], [1.3, 25.1]) ([7.78, 8.52], [6.08, 10.72])
    F2 ([96.4, 200.3], [18.4, 342]) ([20148.8, 21829.4], [16663.3, 22826]) ([5.16, 5.53], [4.02, 5.83])
    F3 ([4988.5, 7411.7], [1726.8, 7895.2]) ([50137, 61345.1], [48489, 61863.7]) ([8.66, 8.98], [8.42, 9.11])
    F4 ([4093.5, 4757.3], [987, 4936.8]) ([61559.3, 76279.7], [54825.3, 85836.4]) ([14.6, 16.47], [14.41, 16.9])
    F5 ([-3805, 221.7], [-3807.5, 93401.4]) ([19.25, 21], [ 17, 21.6]) ([2.3, 3.03], [2.05, 3.24])
    F6 ([-9.5, -2.4], [-11.3, -2.2]) ([18.2, 43.9], [12, 68.7]) ([11.37, 11.84], [11.15, 12.08])
    F7 ([194.1, 605.8], [-2401.3, 645.5]) ([26937.4, 29820.8], [24948.1, 30743.9]) ([6.42, 6.73], [5.85, 6.85])
    F8 ([-4723.5, -927.4], [-4907.3, -215.2]) ([8188.1, 16560.4], [4611.5, 39776.5]) ([3.65, 7.11], [1.99, 7.92])
    F9 ([1986.2, 2127.7], [-1710.1, 2984.5]) ([78146.3, 122427.9], [76619.8, 128111.3]) ([37.97, 38.1], [37.27, 39.61])
    F10 ([1391.7, 1792.6], [788, 2081.5]) ([72511.5, 88707.2], [36887.3, 94173.6]) ([29.37, 30.17], [29.18, 31.87])
    F11 ([4251, 5452.7], [-111.4, 12243.1]) ([74678.2, 100961.4], [74323.4, 122088.8]) ([20.94, 25.03], [20.02, 32.66])
    F12 ([4767.8, 7139.1], [3578.6, 10591.7]) ([101767.1, 131165.2], [82741, 131922.4]) ([22.71, 27.27], [22.21, 27.55])
    F13 ([6847, 8415.8], [ 6368.7, 9371.7]) ([158206, 222900.2], [124865, 279049.9]) ([64.84, 69.25], [61.39, 72.02])
    F14 ([650.9, 1505.9], [433.3, 1590.5]) ([30863.3, 41876.1], [24684.2, 43579.1]) ([12.02, 13.15], [10.63, 13.21])
    F15 ([22.8, 270.1], [-60.9, 545.9]) ([950, 30707.2], [375.1, 37593.8]) ([2.54, 5.04], [0.89, 5.65])
    F16 ([263.5, 533.4], [247.7, 569.4]) ([18422.5, 21110.3]) ([15026.6, 26377.7]) ([5.63, 6.52], [5.5, 6.59])
    F17 ([6927.1, 17669.6], [6662, 68402.2]) ([31860.1, 38370.4], [30205.6, 84695]) ([16.31, 18.62], [15.71, 18.7])
    * Million Indian rupees; ** Lakh metric tonnes
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    Table 5.  CC between the optimistic rough data and CC between the optimistic rough data

    I1 I2 I3 O1 O2 O3
    I1 1 0.9495 -0.1234 0.9767 0.1153 0.9498
    I2 0.9587 1 -0.0671 0.9133 0.0966 0.8906
    I3 -0.1583 -0.1199 1 -0.2131 -0.3323 -0.0909
    O1 0.9792 0.9246 -0.2373 1 0.0946 0.9253
    O2 0.1156 0.1015 -0.2509 0.0943 1 0.2584
    O3 0.9553 0.9005 -0.093 0.934 0.2531 1
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    Table 6.  PRCC: CC between rough data

    I1 I2 I3 O1 O2 O3
    I1 1
    I2 0.9546 1
    I3 -0.1457 -0.098 1
    O1 0.9781 0.9195 -0.2295 1
    O2 0.11547 0.0992 -0.2865 0.0945 1
    O3 0.9527 0.896 -0.0924 0.9299 0.2558 1
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    Table 7.  Optimistic-pessimistic efficiencies of 17 fertilizer supply chains

    Supply chains $ [E^{\sup},E^{\inf}] $
    $ \beta=0.6 $ $ \beta=0.7 $ $ \beta=0.8 $ $ \beta=0.9 $ $ \beta=1 $
    F1 [1, 1] [1, 1] [1, 1] [1, 1] [0.3425, 1]
    F2 [0.9872, 1] [0.8179, 1] [0.6183, 1] [0.3632, 0.9967] [0.0328, 0.6352]
    F3 [0.7056, 0.7569] [0.4495, 0.5212] [0.259, 0.3301] [0.1211, 0.1728] [0.0134, 0.0238]
    F4 [0.6851, 0.7649] [0.4494, 0.5482] [0.2721, 0.3567] [0.1283, 0.303] [0.0134, 0.0548]
    F5 [1, 1] [1, 1] [1, 1] [1, 1] [1, 1]
    F6 [1, 1] [1, 1] [1, 1] [1, 1] [1, 1]
    F7 [0.7648, 0.8211] [0.5905, 0.6737] [0.4265, 0.5737] [0.2035, 0.4648] [0.0282, 0.1084]
    F8 [0.2804, 0.3701] [0.1719, 0.3134] [0.0974, 0.2717] [0.0405, 0.1758] [0.005, 0.0258]
    F9 [0.662, 0.7939] [0.456, 0.6442] [0.2936, 0.5055] [0.138, 0.3888] [0.0234, 0.0489]
    F10 [0.6951, 0.7816] [0.5282, 0.669] [0.3626, 0.5807] [0.2322, 0.5154] [0.0268, 0.0955]
    F11 [0.6829, 0.8046] [0.4391, 0.6369] [0.2563, 0.4842] [0.1207, 0.2977] [0.0169, 0.0492]
    F12 [0.7725, 0.8524] [0.6113, 0.7439] [0.4437, 0.5948] [0.193, 0.3024] [0.0181, 0.0333]
    F13 [0.5416, 0.6307] [0.3856, 0.5308] [0.2498, 0.4122] [0.1279, 0.2601] [0.0132, 0.0358]
    F14 [0.6408, 0.739] [0.504, 0.6875] [0.3826, 0.6373] [0.2596, 0.5622] [0.0397, 0.0955]
    F15 [0.5755, 1] [0.3489, 1] [0.1943, 1] [0.0794, 1] [0.0046, 1]
    F16 [0.7656, 0.8421] [0.6133, 0.7544] [0.4707, 0.6803] [0.3119, 0.6086] [0.0445, 0.0907]
    F17 [0.3663, 0.468] [0.2219, 0.4166] [0.1242, 0.3285] [0.0567, 0.2402] [0.0101, 0.0398]
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    Table 8.  Optimistic-pessimistic super-efficiencies of 17 fertilizer supply chains

    Supply chains $ [SE^{\sup},SE^{\inf}] $
    $ \beta=0.6 $ $ \beta=0.7 $ $ \beta=0.8 $ $ \beta=0.9 $ $ \beta=1 $
    F1 [7.3013, 9.9515] [4.9053, 9.2883] [3.0676, 8.2182] [1.5116, 6.2238] [0.3425, 1.0961]
    F2 [0.9872, 1.2397] [0.8179, 1.2952] [0.6183, 1.0878] [0.3632, 0.9967] [0.0328, 0.6352]
    F3 [0.7056, 0.7569] [0.4495, 0.5212] [0.259, 0.3301] [0.1211, 0.1728] [, 0.0238]
    F4 [0.6851, 0.7649] [0.4494, 0.5482] [0.2721, 0.3567] [0.1283, 0.303] [0.0134, 0.0548]
    F5 [1.8877, 1.9] [1.7865, 1.9] [1.6869, 1.9] [1.5879, 1.9] [1.386, 4.7603]
    F6 [10.2122, 12.2894] [9.0896, 13.1988] [7.8615, 14.1662] [6.124, 14.8885] [4.3193, 15.2126]
    F7 [0.7648, 0.8211] [0.5905, 0.6737] [0.4265, 0.5737] [0.2035, 0.4648] [0.0282, 0.1084]
    F8 [0.2804, 0.3701] [0.1719, 0.3134] [0.0974, 0.2717] [0.0405, 0.1758] [0.005, 0.0258]
    F9 [0.662, 0.7939] [0.456, 0.6442] [0.2936, 0.5055] [0.138, 0.3888] [0.0234, 0.0489]
    F10 [0.6951, 0.7816] [0.5282, 0.669] [0.3626, 0.5807] [0.2322, 0.5154] [0.0268, 0.0955]
    F11 [0.6829, 0.8046] [0.4391, 0.6369] [0.2563, 0.4842] [0.1207, 0.2977] [0.0169, 0.0492]
    F12 [0.7725, 0.8524] [0.6113, 0.7439] [0.4437, 0.5948] [0.193, 0.3024] [0.0181, 0.0333]
    F13 [0.5416, 0.6307] [0.3856, 0.5308] [0.2498, 0.4122] [0.1279, 0.2601] [0.0132, 0.0358]
    F14 [0.6408, 0.739] [0.504, 0.6875] [0.3826, 0.6373] [0.2596, 0.5622] [0.0397, 0.0955]
    F15 [0.5755, 1.2517] [0.3489, 1.7588] [0.1943, 2.6778] [0.0794, 4.7892] [0.0046, 10.3892]
    F16 [0.7656, 0.8421] [0.6133, 0.7544] [0.4707, 0.6803] [0.3119, 0.6086] [0.0445, 0.0907]
    F17 [0.3663, 0.468] [0.2219, 0.4166] [0.1242, 0.3285] [0.0567, 0.2402] [0.0101, 0.0398]
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    Table 9.  Comparision between the original DEA and proposed model

    Supply chains Original DEA model ([14]) Rank Proposed model Rank
    F1 24.4374 2 0.3025 3
    F2 3.6104 4 0.0477 5
    F3 1.0227 6 0.0127 15
    F4 1.0157 7 0.0149 13
    F5 1 8 0.1184 4
    F6 158.8404 1 0.5425 1
    F7 1 8 0.0213 8
    F8 1 8 0.0059 17
    F9 1 8 0.0186 11
    F10 1 8 0.0213 9
    F11 1 8 0.0175 12
    F12 1.5248 5 0.0202 10
    F13 1 8 0.0133 14
    F14 1 8 0.0221 7
    F15 4.5376 3 0.3512 2
    F16 1 8 0.0248 6
    F17 1 8 0.0094 16
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