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A branching particle system approximation for a class of FBSDEs

support by National Science Foundation of China NSFC 11501164. Xiong acknowledges research support by Macao Science and Technology Fund FDCT 076/2012/A3 and MultiYear Research Grants of the University of Macau No. MYRG2014-00015-FST and MYRG2014-00034-FST.
Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • In this paper, a new numerical scheme for a class of coupled forwardbackward stochastic differential equations (FBSDEs) is proposed by using branching particle systems in a random environment. First, by the four step scheme, we introduce a partial differential Eq. (PDE) used to represent the solution of the FBSDE system. Then, infinite and finite particle systems are constructed to obtain the approximate solution of the PDE. The location and weight of each particle are governed by stochastic differential equations derived from the FBSDE system. Finally, a branching particle system is established to define the approximate solution of the FBSDE system. The branching mechanism of each particle depends on the path of the particle itself during its short lifetime =n-2α, where n is the number of initial particles and α < $\frac{1}{2}$ is a fixed parameter. The convergence of the scheme and its rate of convergence are obtained.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: 60H35;60H15;62J99.


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