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On the thermal welding of paper-based polylaminate packages: Modelling, numerical implementation and sensitivity analysis

  • *Corresponding author: Andrea Mola

    *Corresponding author: Andrea Mola 
Abstract / Introduction Full Text(HTML) Figure(11) / Table(1) Related Papers Cited by
  • This work presents a numerical model for the simulation of package sealing in industrial machines for beverage packaging. The simulations are aimed at the prediction of the temperature field in all the layers of the polylaminate material composing the package. The package sealing is in fact carried out by means of thermal welding. Thus, accurate predictions of the temperatures following the package heating via hot air jet and right before the folding flaps are pressed together is paramount to in turn predict sealing success. The heat equation is solved in the package volume by means of a plate FEM formulation in which arbitrary order Lagrangian shape function are used for both the longitudinal and the normal discretization. The resulting semi-discretized equations are time advanced by means of an Implicit Euler scheme with constant time step. The solution of the system is complemented by forward sensitivity computation to obtain, at each time step, quantitative assessment of the effect of process parameters variations on the temperature output. The numerical results are compared to experimental measurements so as to validate the developed simulation tool. The results obtained suggest that the solver is able to reproduce with satisfactory accuracy the experimental temperature field evolution in the portion of the package interested by the thermal welding.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 35K05, 65M22, 80M10; Secondary: 65M50, 65M60, 80M30.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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  • Figure 1.  Geometric parametrisation of an ideal package and description of its actual configuration as based on two angular coordinates, $ \alpha $ and $ \gamma $

    Figure 2.  A rendered view of the heater descent on top of the package. In the machinery, once the package reaches the heater, the latter is translated downwards so as to blow hot air — through an array of nozzles — right on the package folding flaps. The picture on the right also presents a transparent view of the heater in its lowest position. We point out that the present geometry is not coincident with the one effectively used in the machinery. However, the main topological aspects of the shape reported are consistent with the actual heater. In particular, the heater is devoid of nozzles arrays blowing air on the external side of the longer folding flaps, as indicated in the images

    Figure 3.  A sketch of a typical heater geometry. Heated air flowing through arrays of nozzles surrounding the upper region of the package determines the local increase of the package temperature as required by the thermal sealing process. While the internal surface of the folding flaps is uniformly heated, heating of the external surface is provided only on the lateral V-shaped portions of the flaps

    Figure 4.  A sketch of the plate reference finite element, which also indicates the reference surface (in grey) and the degrees of freedom support points location and numbering. In particular, the illustration refers to a linear (or quadratic, adding the red degrees of freedom) longitudinal finite element, combined with a quadratic one dimensional finite element in the normal direction

    Figure 5.  Experimental set-up used for the characterization of the thermal properties of the paper-based polylaminate. Two RTD sensors are installed on the upper sample surface and on the surface of the heated plate to log the temperature evolution

    Figure 6.  Comparison between experimental and simulated temperature values of chemi-thermo-mechanical pulp material sample as a function of time. The yellow line in the plot represents the controlled heating plate temperature, as measured in the experiments and imposed on the internal surface of the CTMP in the simulations. The green line represents the temperatures values at the external surface of the material, exposed to air, as measured in the experiment. Finally, the blue line indicates the temperature of the CTMP external surface obtained by means of numerical simulations. The CTMP thermal conductivity and specific heat capacity used in the simulation are $ k = 0.065\, $ J s−1 m−1 K−1 and $ c = 2100\, $ J kg−1 K−1, respectively

    Figure 7.  Comparison between experimental and simulated temperature values of the three layers polylaminate material sample as a function of time. The yellow line in the plot represents the controlled heating plate temperature, as measured in the experiments and imposed on the internal surface of the material in the simulations. The green line represents the temperatures values at the external surface of the material, exposed to air, as measured in the experiment. Finally, the blue line indicates the temperature of the polylaminate material external surface obtained by means of numerical simulations

    Figure 8.  A thermal image collected within the experimental campaign carried out in the industrial packaging machinery. In the image, the clearer colors indicate the hotter regions, and darker colors indicate colder regions. The image shows the top part of the package (purple) under the action of the hotter heating device (yellow). The superimposed rectangle on the folding flap of the package, indicates the area in which the temperature has been averaged and saved

    Figure 9.  Contour plot representing the simulated temperature field in 350℃ on the internal (left) and external (right) surface of the package at simulation time $ t_{\text{press}} = 4.4\, $s, instants before the package starts its closure under the action of the press. The plot refers to the numerical solution obtained by imposing the heater temperature at 350℃ while the power delivered to the heater rotor was set to 90% of the maximum value. On the left plot, the longitudinal grid used by the Finite Element solver is also visible. A full video of the present simulation is available to the interested reader at the URL address https://youtu.be/AGkcOQ8quNM

    Figure 10.  Average temperature in the folding flap area as a function of time, obtained setting different heater temperatures and flow rates. The blue line in each plot refers to the temperature values obtained by thermal camera images of the external surface of the package. The yellow line represents the values on the external surface of the package, as computed with the numerical model developed. The green line represents instead average temperatures computed on the internal side of the package by means of the numerical solver developed

    Figure 11.  Illustration of the procedure used to compute sensitivities to the heater outflow temperature parameter $ T_{\mathrm{heater}} $. (a) Temperature on the internal side of the folding flap as obtained by imposing Theater = 300℃. (b) Sensitivity values on the internal side of the folding flap as obtained by imposing Theater = 300℃. (c) Temperature on the internal side of the folding flap as obtained by imposing Theater = 316.98℃. (d) Temperature on the internal side of the folding flap as obtained by imposing Theater = 449.72℃. In all the cases considered, the power delivered to the heater rotor was set to 50% of the maximum value

    Table 1.  Values of the package dimensions, used to automatically generate the numerical simulations domain and computational grid making use of the parameterized package model presented in Section 2.1

    Package geometrical parameter Value
    Width $ b_1 $ 0.07020 m
    Depth $ b_2 $ 0.06947 m
    Folding part height $ h_1 $ 0.03886 m
    Vertical walls height $ h_2 $ 0.19420 m
    Glue flap height $ h_3 $ 0.01791 m
    Small glue flap height $ h_4 $ 0.01220 m
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