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Wet paper codes and the dual distance in steganography

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • In 1998 Crandall introduced a method based on coding theory to secretly embed a message in a digital support such as an image. Later, in 2005, Fridrich et al. improved this method to minimize the distortion introduced by the embedding; a process called wet paper. However, as previously emphasized in the literature, this method can fail during the embedding step. Here we find sufficient and necessary conditions to guarantee a successful embedding, by studying the dual distance of a linear code. Since these results are essentially of combinatorial nature, they can be generalized to systematic codes, a large family containing all linear codes. We also compute the exact number of embedding solutions and point out the relationship between wet paper codes and orthogonal arrays.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 94A60; Secondary: 94B60.


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