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Coherence of sensing matrices coming from algebraic-geometric codes

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • Compressed sensing is a technique which is to used to reconstruct a sparse signal given few measurements of the signal. One of the main problems in compressed sensing is the deterministic construction of the sensing matrix. Li et al. introduced a new deterministic construction via algebraic-geometric codes (AG codes) and gave an upper bound for the coherence of the sensing matrices coming from AG codes. In this paper, we give the exact value of the coherence of the sensing matrices coming from AG codes in terms of the minimum distance of AG codes and deduce the upper bound given by Li et al. We also give formulas for the coherence of the sensing matrices coming from Hermitian two-point codes.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 11T71, 14G50; Secondary: 92C55, 11R58, 14H50.


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