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Arrays composed from the extended rational cycle

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The first author is partially supported by project MTM2014-55421-P from the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad

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  • We present a 3D array construction with application to video watermarking. This new construction uses two main ingredients: an extended rational cycle (ERC) as a shift sequence and a Legendre array as a base. This produces a family of 3D arrays with good auto and cross-correlation. We calculate exactly the values of the auto correlation and the cross-correlation function and their frequency. We present a unified method of obtaining multivariate recursion polynomials and their footprints for all finite multidimensional arrays. Also, we describe new results for arbitrary arrays and enunciate a result for arrays constructed using the method of composition. We also show that the size of the footprint is invariant under dimensional transformations based on the Chinese Remainder Theorem.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 58F15, 58F17; Secondary: 53C35.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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  • Figure 1.  Legendre array defined for $\alpha\in\mathbb{F}_9$, where $\alpha$ is the root of the polynomial $x^2+x+2$. The graphical representation uses the calculation in Table 1. The color of the cube in the row $n_1$ and column $n_2$ is: red if $n_1=n_2=0$, pink if $L(n_1,n_2) =-1$ and black in the other case

    Figure 2.  Graphic representation of a 3D array with the shift sequence given in Table 2. For reasons of space, we have flatten the cubes. The first 2D array starting from the left is just a copy of the Legendre array (reference array) without shifts. In the third array, the rows of the initial array have been shifted once and the columns twice. The shifts are above each plane, except for the last one which coincides with $\infty$. In that case, we added a constant array

    Figure 3.  One dimensional linear feedback shift register implementation of a two dimensional array

    Figure 4.  Two frames corresponding to a unmarked and a marked version of the same media file. The left one shows a unmarked frame whereas the right one corresponds to a marked frame. The differences in colour balance are a result of pushing the contrast to make the mark and video compression artifacts visible.

    Table 1.  2D array given by the logarithm map together with the Legendre array for $\mathbb{F}_9$. The second column shows the digits of number $n$ in base $3$, which coincides with the coefficients of $\xi_n$ using the basis $\{1,\alpha\}$, where $\alpha$ is the root of the polynomial $x^2+x+2$. The corresponding element is in the third column. The logarithm in base $\alpha$ and the value of the Legendre array are in the fourth and fifth column

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    Table 2.  Extended rational cycle defined by $u_{n}=\alpha/(u_{n-1}+1)$, where $\alpha$ is the root of the polynomial $x^2+x+2$. The rational cycle has always length equal to $q+1$, in this case 10

    0 $\alpha$$2\alpha+1$$\alpha+2$$1$$2\alpha$$\alpha+1$$2\alpha+2$2$\infty$
    (0, 0)(0, 1)(1, 2)(2, 1)(1, 0)(0, 2)(1, 1)(2, 2)(2, 0)$\infty$
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