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Constructions of asymptotically optimal codebooks with respect to Welch bound and Levenshtein bound

  • *Corresponding author: Gang Wang

    *Corresponding author: Gang Wang 

G. Wang is supported by the Doctoral Foundation of Tianjin Normal University (Grant No. 52XB2014). F.-W Fu is supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2018YFA0704703), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61971243), the Natural Science Foundation of Tianjin (20JCZDJC00610), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China (Nankai University), and the Nankai Zhide Foundation

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  • Codebooks with small maximum cross-correlation amplitudes are used to distinguish the signals from different users in code division multiple access communication systems. In this paper, several classes of codebooks are introduced, whose maximum cross-correlation amplitudes asymptotically achieve the corresponding Welch bound and Levenshtein bound. Specially, a class of optimal codebooks with respect to the Levenshtein bound is obtained. These classes of codebooks are constructed by selecting certain rows deterministically from circulant matrices, Fourier matrices and Hadamard matrices, respectively. The construction methods and parameters of some codebooks provided in this paper are new.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 94B15; Secondary: 11T71.


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  • Table 1.  The parameters of codebooks asymptotically achieving Welch bound

    Parameters $ (N,K) $ $ {I_{\max }} $ Constraints Ref.
    $ ({p^n},K = \frac{{p - 1}}{{2p}}({p^n} + {p^{\frac{n}{2}}}) + 1) $ $ \frac{{(p + 1){p^{\frac{n}{2}}}}}{{2pK}} $ $ p $ is an odd prime [14]
    $ ({q^2},\frac{{{{(q - 1)}^2}}}{2}) $ $ \frac{{q + 1}}{{{{(q - 1)}^2}}} $ $ q $ is an odd prime power [40]
    $ (q(q + 4),\frac{{(q + 3)(q + 1)}}{2}) $ $ \frac{1}{{q + 1}} $ $ q $ and $ q+4 $ are two prime powers [18]
    $ (q,\frac{{q - 1}}{2}) $ $ \frac{{\sqrt q + 1}}{{q - 1}} $ $ q $ is a prime power [18]
    $ ({q^l} + {q^{l - 1}} - 1,{q^{l - 1}}) $ $ \frac{1}{{\sqrt {{q^{l - 1}}} }} $ $ q $ is a prime power and $ l> 2 $ [42]
    $ ({(q - 1)^k} + {q^{k - 1}},{q^{k - 1}}) $ $ \frac{{\sqrt {{q^{k + 1}}} }}{{{{(q - 1)}^k} + {{( - 1)}^{k + 1}}}} $ $ q \ge 4 $ is a prime power and $ k> 2 $ [12]
    $ \begin{array}{l} ({(q - 1)^k} + K,K),\\K = \frac{{{{(q - 1)}^k} + {{( - 1)}^{k + 1}}}}{q}\end{array} $ $ \frac{{\sqrt {{q^{k - 1}}} }}{K} $ $ q $ is a prime power and $ k> 2 $ [12]
    $ \begin{array}{l} ({({q^s} - 1)^n} + K,K),\\K = \frac{{{{({q^s} - 1)}^n} + {{( - 1)}^{n + 1}}}}{q}\end{array} $ $ \frac{{\sqrt {{q^{sn + 1}}} }}{{{{({q^s} - 1)}^n} + {{( - 1)}^{n + 1}}}} $ $ q $ is a prime power, $ s> 1,n> 1 $ [22]
    $ ({({q^s} - 1)^n} + {q^{sn - 1}},{q^{sn - 1}}) $ $ \frac{{\sqrt {{q^{sn + 1}}} }}{{{{({q^s} - 1)}^n} + {{( - 1)}^{n + 1}}}} $ $ q $ is a prime power, $ s> 1,n> 1 $ [22]
    $ ({q^3} + {q^2},{q^2}) $ $ \frac{1}{q} $ $ q $ is a prime power [31]
    $ ({q^3} + {q^2} - q,{q^2} - q) $ $ \frac{1}{{q - 1}} $ $ q $ is a prime power [31]
    $ ({q^3} - q,{q^2} - q) $ $ \frac{1}{{q - 1}} $ $ q $ is a prime power [21]
    $ ({q^3} - 2q + 1,{(q - 1)^2}) $ $ \frac{q}{{{{(q - 1)}^2}}} $ $ q $ is a prime power [21]
    $ (({p_{\min }} + 1){Q^2},{Q^2}) $ $ \frac{1}{Q} $ $ Q> 1 $ is an integer and $ {p_{\min }} $ is the smallest prime factor of $ Q $ [32]
    $ (({p_{\min }} + 1){Q^2} - Q,Q(Q - 1)) $ $ \frac{1}{{Q - 1}} $ $ Q> 2 $ is an integer and $ {p_{\min }} $ is the smallest prime factor of $ Q $ [32]
    $ ({N_1}{N_2},\frac{{{N_1}{N_2} - 1}}{2}) $ $ \frac{{\sqrt {({N_1} + 1)({N_2} + 1)} }}{{{N_1}{N_2} - 1}} $ $ {N_1} \equiv 3\bmod 4 $ and $ {N_2} \equiv 3\bmod 4 $ [15]
    $ ({N_1} \cdots {N_l},\frac{{{N_1} \cdots {N_l} - 1}}{2}) $ $ \frac{{\sqrt {({N_1} + 1) \cdots ({N_l} + 1)} }}{{{N_1} \cdots {N_l} - 1}} $ $ {N_i} \equiv 3\bmod 4 $ for any $ l \ge 1 $ [15]
    $ \begin{array}{l} (2K + 1,K),\\K = \frac{{{{({2^{{s_1}}} - 1)}^n}{{({2^{{s_2}}} - 1)}^n} - 1}}{2}\end{array} $ $ \frac{{{2^{\frac{{{s_1}n + {s_2}n}}{2}}}}}{{{{({2^{{s_1}}} - 1)}^n}{{({2^{{s_2}}} - 1)}^n} - 1}} $ $ n \ge 1,{s_1},{s_2}> 1 $ [23]
    $ \begin{array}{l} (2K + {( - 1)^{mn}},K),\\K = \frac{{{{({2^{{s_1}}} - 1)}^n} \cdots {{({2^{{s_m}}} - {{( - 1)}^{mn}})}^n} - 1}}{2}\end{array} $ $ \frac{{{2^{\frac{{{s_1}n + {s_2}n + \cdots + {s_m}n}}{2}}}}}{{2K}} $ $ n \ge 1,l> 1 $ and $ {s_i}> 1 $ for any $ 1 \le i \le m $ [23]
    $ (k{p^2} + {p^2},{p^2}) $ $ \frac{1}{p} $ $ p $ is a prime and $ k|(p + 1) $ [24]
    $ ({p^n} - 1,\frac{{{p^n} - 1}}{2}) $ $ \frac{{\sqrt {{p^n}} + 1}}{{{p^n} - 1}} $ $ p $ is an odd prime [39]
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    Table 2.  The parameters of codebooks asymptotically achieving Levenshtein bound

    Parameters $ (N,K) $ $ {I_{\max }} $ Constraints Ref.
    $ ({2^{2m}} + {2^m},{2^m}) $ $ \frac{1}{{\sqrt {{2^{m - 1}}} }} $ $ m $ is a positive integer [37]
    $ ({q^2} - 1,q - 1) $ $ \frac{{\sqrt q }}{{q - 1}} $ $ q $ is a prime power [29]
    $ ({q^2} - q - 1,q - 2) $ $ \frac{{\sqrt q }}{{q - 2}} $ $ q $ is a prime power [12]
    $ ({q^2} + q - 1,q) $ $ \frac{1}{{\sqrt q }} $ $ q $ is a prime power [42]
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    Table 3.  The explicit parameter values of codebooks $ {\mathbb{\mathbb{C}}_3} $ in Theorem 3.6

    $ q $ $ {N_3} $ $ {K_3} $ $ {I_{\max }}({\mathbb{C}_3}) $ $ {I_W} $ $ \frac{{{I_W}}}{{{I_{\max }}({\mathbb{C}_3})}} $
    23 528 24 0.241492980 0.199620133 0.826608429
    43 1848 44 0.171759966 0.148990467 0.867434190
    61 3720 62 0.142100801 0.125954276 0.886372738
    97 9408 98 0.110702631 0.100493097 0.907775146
    125 15624 126 0.096669364 0.088729970 0.917870629
    169 28560 170 0.082352941 0.076469234 0.928554986
    343 117648 344 0.056744939 0.053837732 0.948767114
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    Table 4.  The explicit parameter values of codebooks $ {\mathbb{\mathbb{C}}_4} $ in Theorem 3.8

    $ p $ $ {N_4} $ $ {K_4} $ $ {I_{\max }}({\mathbb{C}_4}) $ $ {I_W} $ $ \frac{{{I_W}}}{{{I_{\max }}({\mathbb{C}_4})}} $
    7 49 8 0.455718914 0.326758065 0.717016685
    17 289 18 0.284616979 0.228639967 0.803325114
    23 529 24 0.241492980 0.199597259 0.826513710
    37 1369 38 0.186388488 0.160012599 0.858505805
    61 3721 62 0.142100801 0.125954559 0.884263552
    97 9409 98 0.110702631 0.100493153 0.907775652
    157 24649 158 0.085632684 0.079301951 0.926071067
    343 117649 344 0.056744939 0.053837733 0.948767131
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    Table 5.  The parameters of codebooks asymptotically achieving Welch bound

    $ (N,K) $ $ {I_{\max }} $ Constraints References
    $ ({q^2} - 1,q + 1) $ $ \frac{{1 + \sqrt q }}{{q + 1}} $ $ q $ is a prime power Theorem 3.6
    $ ({q^2} - 1,q) $ $ \frac{{\sqrt q }}{q} $ $ q $ is a prime power codebooks $ {\mathbb{C}'_3} $
    $ ({q^2} + q,q + 1) $ $ \frac{{1 + \sqrt q }}{{q + 1}} $ $ q $ is a prime power codebooks $ {\mathbb{B}_3} $
    $ ({p^2},p + 1) $ $ \frac{{1 + \sqrt p }}{{p + 1}} $ $ p $ is an odd prime Theorem 3.8
    $ ({p^2},p) $ $ \frac{{\sqrt p }}{p} $ $ p $ is an odd prime codebooks $ {\mathbb{C}'_4} $
    $ ({p^2} + p + 1,p + 1) $ $ \frac{{1 + \sqrt p }}{{p + 1}} $ $ p $ is an odd prime codebooks $ {\mathbb{B}_4} $
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