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The interplay of different metrics for the construction of constant dimension codes

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  • A basic problem for constant dimension codes is to determine the maximum possible size $ A_q(n,d;k) $ of a set of $ k $-dimensional subspaces in $ \mathbb{F}_q^n $, called codewords, such that the subspace distance satisfies $ d_S(U,W): = 2k-2\dim(U\cap W)\ge d $ for all pairs of different codewords $ U $, $ W $. Constant dimension codes have applications in e.g. random linear network coding, cryptography, and distributed storage. Bounds for $ A_q(n,d;k) $ are the topic of many recent research papers. Providing a general framework we survey many of the latest constructions and show the potential for further improvements. As examples we give improved constructions for the cases $ A_q(10,4;5) $, $ A_q(11,4;4) $, $ A_q(12,6;6) $, and $ A_q(15,4;4) $. We also derive general upper bounds for subcodes arising in those constructions.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 51E23, 05B40; Secondary: 11T71, 94B25.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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  • Table 1.  Notation and abbreviations

    CDC constant dimension code
    MRD maximum rank distance
    FDRM Ferrers diagram rank metric
    $ d_S(U,W) $ subspace distance between codewords $ U $ and $ W $
    $ d_S( \mathcal{C}) $ minimum subspace distance of a CDC $ \mathcal{C} $
    $ d_H(u,w) $ Hamming distance between codewords $ u $ and $ w $
    $ d_H( \mathcal{S}) $ minimum Hamming distance of $ \mathcal{S} $
    $ d_H( \mathcal{V}, \mathcal{V}') $ minimum Hamming distance between a codeword in $ \mathcal{V} $ and
    a codeword in $ \mathcal{V}' $
    $ d_R(A,B) $ rank distance between two matrices $ A $ and $ B $
    $ \operatorname{rk}(A) $ rank of a matrix $ A $
    $ \mathcal{G}_1(n,k) $ set of binary vectors of length $ n $ and Hamming weight $ k $
    $ \mathcal{G}_q(n,k) $ set of $ k $-dimensional subspaces in $ \mathbb{F}_q^n $
    $\left[\begin{array}{l} n \\ k \end{array}\right]_{q} $ Gaussian binomial coefficient; $ \# \mathcal{G}_q(n,k) $
    $ A_q(n,d;k) $ maximum possible cardinality of a CDC $ \mathcal{C}\subseteq \mathcal{G}_{q}(n,k) $
    with minimum subspace distance at least $ d $
    $ m(q,m,n, d_R) $ number of codewords of an $ (m\times n, d_R)_q $-MRD code
    $ a(q,m,n, d_R,r) $ number of codewords of rank $ r $ in an additive $ (m\times n, d_R)_q $-MRD code
    $ E(U) $, $ E(M) $ matrix $ M $ or generator matrix of $ U $ in reduced row echelon form
    $ v(U) $, $ v(M) $ pivot vector
    $ {n_1 \choose k_1},\dots, {n_l \choose k_l} $ set of binary vectors
    $ T(U) $ Ferrers tableaux
    $ \mathcal{F}(U) $, $ \mathcal{F}(v) $ Ferrers diagram
    $ A_q(n,d;k; \mathcal{V}) $ max. possible cardinality of a CDC $ \mathcal{C}\subseteq \mathcal{G}_{q}(n,k) $ with min.
    subspace distance at least $ d $ whose codewords have pivot vectors in $ \mathcal{V} $
    $ I_k $ $ k\times k $ unit matrix
    $ e_i $ unit vector with a one at position $ i $
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    Table 2.  Data for Lemma 3.4 with $ \mathcal{F}\in \mathcal{G}_1(5,2) $

    pivot vector size $ m(q, \mathcal{F},2) $ $ \# $ of cosets $ m(q, \mathcal{F},1)/m(q, \mathcal{F},2) $
    $ 11000 $ $ q^3 $ $ q^3 $
    $ 10100 $ $ q^2 $ $ q^3 $
    $ 10010 $ $ q $ $ q^3 $
    $ 10001 $ $ 1 $ $ q^3 $
    $ 01100 $ $ q^2 $ $ q^2 $
    $ 01010 $ $ q $ $ q^2 $
    $ 01001 $ $ 1 $ $ q^2 $
    $ 00110 $ $ 1 $ $ q^2 $
    $ 00101 $ $ 1 $ $ q $
    $ 00011 $ $ 1 $ $ 1 $
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    Table 3.  Packing scheme for Proposition 3.7

    skeleton code size $ \# $ of used cosets
    $ \{11000,00110\} $ $ q^3+1 $ $ q^2 $
    $ \{11000,00101\} $ $ q^3+1 $ $ q $
    $ \{11000,00011\} $ $ q^3+1 $ $ 1 $
    $ \{11000\} $ $ q^3 $ $ q^3-q^2-q-1 $
    $ \{10100,01010\} $ $ q^2+q $ $ q^2 $
    $ \{10100,01001\} $ $ q^2+1 $ $ q^2 $
    $ \{10100\} $ $ q^2 $ $ q^3-2q^2 $
    $ \{01100,10010\} $ $ q^2+q $ $ q^2 $
    $ \{10010\} $ $ q $ $ q^3-q^2 $
    $ \{10001\} $ $ 1 $ $ q^3 $
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