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Reconstructing points of superelliptic curves over a prime finite field

Author is partially supported by grant PID2019-110633GB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/ 501100011033

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  • Let $ p $ be a prime and $ \mathbb{F}_p $ the finite field with $ p $ elements. We show how, when given an superelliptic curve $ Y^n+f(X) \in \mathbb{F}_p[X,Y] $ and an approximation to $ (v_0,v_1) \in \mathbb{F}_p^2 $ such that $ v_1^n = -f(v_0) $, one can recover $ (v_0,v_1) $ efficiently, if the approximation is good enough. As consequence we provide an upper bound on the number of roots of such bivariate polynomials where the roots have certain restrictions. The results has been motivated by the predictability problem for non-linear pseudorandom number generators and, other potential applications to cryptography.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 11H06, 11Y16, 12Y05; Secondary: 11K16.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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  • Algorithm 1: Recovering algorithm
      Input: $(f(X), \Delta,w_0,w_1)$ such that $(w_0,w_1)$ is a $ \Delta$-approximation to a root $(v_0,v_1)$ of $Y^n+f(X)$.
      Output: $(v_0,v_1)$ or $ (0,0) $
    1 Compute a solution $\vec T$ of the system of congruences (4);
    2 Compute $\vec u$ a closest vector to $\vec T$ and lattice (6) using the algorithm in [1];
    3 $\vec F \leftarrow \vec T$ - $\vec u$ = $ (f_1, \ldots, f_{m}, \ldots, f_{m+n-1}) $ $\varepsilon_0 ,\varepsilon_1\leftarrow f_{1}/ \Delta^{m},f_{m}/ \Delta^{m}$;
    4 ${\varepsilon _0},{\varepsilon _1} \leftarrow {f_1}/{\Delta ^m},{f_m}/{\Delta ^m}$
    5 if $ |\varepsilon_0| \le \Delta \quad \& \quad |\varepsilon_1| \le \Delta $ then
    6 | return$(w_0+\varepsilon_0, w_1+\varepsilon_1)$
    7 else
    8 | return$(0,0)$
    9 end
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