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Clay and Product-Matrix MSR Codes with Locality

  • *Corresponding author: Minhan Gao

    *Corresponding author: Minhan Gao 

L. Holzbaur's work was supported by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG) under Grant No. WA3907/1-1

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  • Regenerating codes and codes with locality address the efficiency of the node repair problem. While regeneration reduces the repair bandwidth, locality reduces the number of nodes required for the repair of a small number of nodes. This work considers the combination of minimum storage regenerating codes, an optimal subclass of regenerating codes, and PMDS codes, a particularly strong type of code with locality. Two new constructions are proposed in this paper. The first construction decreases the subpacketization from $ r^n $ to $ r^{\frac{\mu n}{r}} $ for all considered parameters of PMDS codes, and the second one achieves a significantly lower subpacketization $ n-r-1 $ when the global redundancy is $ s = 1 $.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 94B05.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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  • Figure 1.  Example of a $ [4,2] $ Clay Code

    Figure 2.  The construction of a coupled PMDS code with $ \mu = 2, n = 4, r = 2 $

    Figure 3.  Comparison of total symbol size $ S $ for different parameters

    Table 1.  Parameters of different PMDS code constructions. The values given for coupled PMDS codes hold if $ r|n $. The citations in the column Field Size refer to the field size of the underlying PMDS code used in these constructions. As noted in Remark 3.6, coupled PMDS codes for $ r\nmid n $ can be obtained by puncturing longer codes. The construction of PM-PMDS codes is restricted to $ s = 1 $ and $ \frac{k}{n} < \frac{1}{2} $

    Construction Field Size Subpacket. $ \ell $
    [9,Const. C] max$ \{(d+1-n+r)n,\mu+1\}^{n-r} $ $ r^n $
    [9,Const. D] $ n(d+1-n+r)(n\mu)^{s(r+1)-1} $ $ r^n $
    Coupled PMDS $ \mu^{n-r} $ [12] $ r^{\frac{\mu n}{r}} $
    PM-PMDS $ n+1 $ [13] $ n-r-1 $
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