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PMNS for cryptography: A guided tour

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  • The Polynomial Modular Number System (PMNS) offers an alternative to the conventional binary multi-precision representation system for large integers. Its effectiveness has been demonstrated for various cryptosystems using prime field arithmetic [2,4,6], with prime sizes ranging from 256 to 736 bits. However, as the size of $ p $ increases, the relative performance of PMNS compared to standard arithmetic diminishes. Furthermore, the generation process of a PMNS has a worst-case complexity of $ {\mathcal O}(2^n) $, where $ n $ denotes the number of symbols used to represent an integer modulo $ p $ in this representation system. In this paper, we present several alternatives and improvements to the construction and implementation processes of PMNS, which are tailored to the size of $ p $.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 11T06, 11T71; Secondary: 94A60, 68W99.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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  • Table 1.  Number of cycles to compute a PMNS modular multiplication, gcc 12.1.0, i9-11900KF

    Alg./size of $ p $ 256 512 1024
    Montgomery 121 432 1709
    This work 122 443 1728
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    Table 2.  Optimal polynomial degrees vs practical ones used in implementation per size of prime considered

    size of $ p $ 256 512 1024 2048 4096 8192
    $ n_{\text{opt}64} $ 5 9 17 33 65 129
    $ n_{64} $ 5 9 19 40 83 187
    $ n_{\text{opt}128} $ 3 5 9 17 33 65
    $ n_{128} $ 3 5 9 18 36 72
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    Table 3.  Comparative table of performances for Red-64 and Red-128 in number of processor cycles for one modular multiplication on Intel processor i9-11900KF with gcc 12.1.0

    size of $ p $ 256 512 1024 2048 4096 8192
    Red-64 122 443 1709 7690 33471 169070
    Red-128 245 720 2367 10920 39446 156310
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    Table 4.  Number of cycles to compute a modular multiplication using GnuMP and PMNS on Intel processor i9-11900KF with gcc 12.1.0

    Size 1024 2048 4096 8192
    $ n $ 16 32 64 128
    Low level 1715 5501 16897 53042
    Classical Mont. 1534 4653 14522 44587
    Mont. CIOS 1187 4661 16793 61478
    This work
    $ n $ 19 40 84 187
    Red-64 1709 7690 33471 169070
    $ n $ - - - 72
    Red-128 - - - 156310
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    Table 5.  Number of cycles to compute a modular multiplication between two 8192-bit integers using GnuMP and PPMNS (for any $ E(X) $) on Intel processor i9-11900KF with gcc 12.1.0

    5-core 6-core 8-core Low level Classical Mont. Mont. CIOS
    $ n $=187 $ n $=128
    51979 46224 40778 53042 44567 61478
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    Table 6.  Number of cycles to compute a modular multiplication between two 8192-bit integers using GnuMP and PPMNS (for $ E(X) = X^{189}-2 $) on an Intel processor i9-11900KF with gcc 12.1.0

    6-core Low level Classical Mont. Mont. CIOS
    $ n $=189 $ n $=128
    42510 53042 44567 61478
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    Table 7.  Number of cycles to compute a modular multiplication for 2048-bit and 4096-bit integers using GnuMP, PMNS and PPMNS on an Intel processor i9-11900KF with gcc 12.1.0

    Method/Size 2048 4096
    $ n $ 32 64
    Low level 5501 16897
    Classical Mont. 4653 14524
    Mont. CIOS 4607 16793
    $ n $ 40 84
    Red-64 7491 (1-core) 10165 (2-core) 36195 (1-core) 17756 (6-core)
    Red-128 10920 (1-core) 15314 (2-core) 39446 (1-core) 25797 (4-core)
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    Table 8.  Number of cycles to compute a modular multiplication for 2048, 4096 and 8192-bit integers using Toeplitz form vs random matrix form on Intel processor i9-11900KF with gcc 12.1.0

    Size 2048 4096 8192
    8 cores
    Toeplitz Montgomery-like 14421 18193 37026
    This work 14529 22782 40778
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    Table 9.  Number of cycles to compute a modular multiplication for 1024, 1664 and 2048-bit integers using Toeplitz form vs GnuMP on Intel processor i9-11900KF with gcc 12.1.0

    Size 1024 1664 2048
    Low level 1715 4039 5501
    Classical Mont. 1539 3466 4653
    Montgomery CIOS 1187 3153 4607
    Toeplitz (this work) 1449 3454 5489
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