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Limited-angle tomography reconstruction via deep end-to-end learning on synthetic data

  • *Corresponding author: Thomas Germer

    *Corresponding author: Thomas Germer 
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  • Computed tomography (CT) has become an essential part of modern science and medicine. A CT scanner consists of an X-ray source that is spun around an object of interest. On the opposite end of the X-ray source, a detector captures X-rays that are not absorbed by the object. The reconstruction of an image is a linear inverse problem, which is usually solved by filtered back projection. However, when the number of measurements is small, the reconstruction problem is ill-posed. This is for example the case when the X-ray source is not spun completely around the object, but rather irradiates the object only from a limited angle. To tackle this problem, we present a deep neural network that is trained on a large amount of carefully-crafted synthetic data and can perform limited-angle tomography reconstruction even for only 30° or 40° sinograms. With our approach we won the first place in the Helsinki Tomography Challenge 2022.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 92C55, 68T07; Secondary: 68U10, 94A08.


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  • Figure 1.  X-ray tomography experimental setup for the Helsinki Tomography Challenge 2022 [24]

    Figure 2.  Example object and its corresponding sinogram

    Figure 3.  Given a full sinogram (A), the filtered back projection (FBP) algorithm can reconstruct the original image (C). However, when the angular range of the sinogram is limited (B), the FBP reconstruction (D) shows severe artifacts. Our method (E) can reconstruct the image from the limited angle sinogram

    Figure 4.  An exemplary overview of the four steps that make up the generation process

    Figure 5.  Illustration of our neural network architecture

    Figure 6.  Comparison of Matthews Correlation Coefficient (MCC) for different teams participating in the Helsinki Tomography Challenge 2022. The score is the sum over three different reconstructions per difficulty level. The scores of our method (Team 15) are denoted by the blue line with star-shaped markers

    Figure 7.  Qualitative comparison of binarized reconstructions from limited angle sinograms

    Figure 8.  MCC score during training of a model over 100 epochs on sinograms with an angular range of 40 degrees (left, orange) and 30 degrees (right, orange) compared to our baseline trained on multiple angular ranges (blue)

    Figure 9.  Test scores for two models trained on sinograms with different numbers of angular ranges

    Figure 10.  Averaged MCC scores for 100 synthetically generated images translated horizontally by up to 30 pixels

    Figure 11.  Additional cross shapes

    Figure 12.  MCC scores for model trained on dataset with additional cross shapes

    Figure 13.  Comparison of MCC scores for models trained on datasets with different size on difficulty level 7 of the HTC 2022

    Figure 14.  Example of a difficult shape configuration

    Table 1.  The levels of difficulty of the reconstruction task of the HTC 2022. The fewer measurements $ m $ are given, the harder is the reconstruction task (left to right)

    Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
    $ m $ 181 161 141 121 101 81 61
    Angular range 90° 80° 70° 60° 50° 40° 30°
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    Table 2.  Quantitative evaluation on the HTC 2022 test data with 3 images per level. PSNR and SSIM are calculated on the non-binary reconstructions. The reported MCC value is calculated as the sum of the MCC values of the binary reconstructions

    FBP FBP+NN Our method FBP FBP+NN Our method FBP FBP+NN Our method
    1 1.92 2.92 2.96 10.74 24.34 26.01 0.46 0.66 0.67
    2 2.00 2.96 2.97 10.54 23.43 25.61 0.45 0.62 0.68
    3 1.89 2.94 2.93 10.48 22.70 23.34 0.42 0.69 0.69
    4 1.83 2.92 2.92 10.33 21.65 23.36 0.39 0.70 0.70
    5 1.54 2.89 2.93 9.86 20.88 23.94 0.38 0.66 0.68
    6 1.07 2.45 2.81 8.93 15.36 21.17 0.34 0.61 0.68
    7 0.84 2.31 2.41 7.89 14.44 16.40 0.31 0.59 0.63
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