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HD-DCDM: Hybrid-domain network for limited-angle computed tomography with deconvolution and conditional diffusion model

  • *Corresponding author: Lingyun Qiu

    *Corresponding author: Lingyun Qiu

Jianyu Wang and Rongqian Wang contributed equally to this work

This work is supported by the National Key R&D Program of China (No. 2021YFA0719200) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 11971258, 61971292)

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  • Limited-angle computed tomography (LACT) has gained significant attention in recent years due to its wide range of applications. Despite the numerous algorithms proposed to improve imaging quality, reconstructing fine details remains a challenging problem. In this paper, we propose a novel hybrid domain framework that combines classical methods and learning-based methods to address this challenge. Our framework decomposes the solution of the least-squares problem into back-projection and deconvolution steps, leading to a significant improvement in reconstruction quality. Furthermore, we employ a conditional diffusion model to further fine-tune the reconstruction results, simultaneously preserving data consistency and enhancing the realness of the reconstructed images. The effectiveness of the proposed framework is evaluated using the Helsinki Tomography Challenge 2022 (HTC 2022) dataset. Comparative evaluations demonstrate that our framework outperforms previous methods in both visual quality and quantitative measures. These findings highlight the potential of the proposed framework in improving LACT reconstruction and offer valuable insights for advancing imaging techniques in various fields.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 45Q05, 68T07; Secondary: 68U10.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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  • Figure 1.  The flowchart of the HD-DCDM framework

    Figure 2.  An illustration of the Res FFT-ReLU block

    Figure 3.  An illustration of the workflow of the conditional diffusion model

    Figure 4.  Typical examples of each class of training phantoms

    Figure 5.  Reconstruction results from the HTC 2022 testing dataset for different methods with a 90-degree field of view. First column: reference images reconstructed by the FBP algorithm from full-sampled projections. Second column: images reconstructed by the FBP algorithm. Third column: images reconstructed by the TV method. Fourth column: images reconstructed by the FBPConvNet method. Fifth column: images reconstructed by the DIP method. Sixth column: images reconstructed by the HD-DCDM framework. The MCC scores are displayed below each image

    Figure 6.  Reconstruction results from the HTC 2022 testing dataset for different methods with a 60-degree field of view. First column: reference images reconstructed by the FBP algorithm from full-sampled projections. Second column: images reconstructed by the FBP algorithm. Third column: images reconstructed by the TV method. Fourth column: images reconstructed by the FBPConvNet method. Fifth column: images reconstructed by the DIP method. Sixth column: images reconstructed by the HD-DCDM framework. The MCC scores are displayed below each image

    Figure 7.  Reconstruction results from the HTC 2022 testing dataset for different methods with a 30-degree field of view. First column: reference images reconstructed by the FBP algorithm from full-sampled projections. Second column: images reconstructed by the FBP algorithm. Third column: images reconstructed by the TV method. Fourth column: images reconstructed by the FBPConvNet method. Fifth column: images reconstructed by the DIP method. Sixth column: images reconstructed by the HD-DCDM framework. The MCC scores are displayed below each image

    Figure 8.  Ablation study. The reconstruction methods and corresponding MCC scores are presented above and below each image, respectively

    Figure 9.  Comparisons of the outputs for the test images

    Table 1.  The mean and variance value of one hundred repeated experiments with different test examples of level 7

    Mean Variance
    07a 0.72 $ 2.52\times 10^{-5} $
    07b 0.80 $ 1.58\times 10^{-5} $
    07c 0.78 $ 9.27 \times 10^{-5} $
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