Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) aims at reconstructing the electric conductivity distribution in a body from electro-static boundary measurements. The inverse problem is severely ill-posed, especially when only partial data is considered. In this work, we propose three methods for the combined reconstruction and segmentation in EIT with partial data. Firstly, we introduce a regularization that takes spatial information into account and corrects for limited coverage. Secondly, we exploit the Chan–Vese method for improving the segmentation step. Finally, we utilize an optimization framework with a level-set approach to simultaneously reconstruct and segment inclusions. The work is done in the context of the Kuopio Tomography Challenge 2023. We demonstrate on experimental tank data that each of the three methods performs significantly better than a classical linearization approach, especially in partial-data scenarios. In particular, the level-set method drastically improves the reconstruction of inclusions with complicated boundaries; this method is superior among our contributions.
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Figure 1. (a) An EIT setup from the University of Eastern Finland [19]. This is not the exact setup used to generate the data. (b) Conceptual illustration of the computational domain $ \Omega $ with eight electrodes $ E_m $ attached to the boundary $ \partial \Omega $. In the competition, 32 electrodes in a similar layout were used. Inside $ \Omega $ are a conductive inclusion with conductivity $ \sigma_1 $ and a resistive inclusion with conductivity $ \sigma_2 $. The background conductivity is $ \sigma_0 $
Figure 2. Reconstructions from training data of a phantom, labeled Training Phantom 1 in the figure, using the Baseline method for difficulty levels 1, 4 and 7. Top row: Unsegmented reconstructions. Bottom row: Segmented reconstructions using Otsu segmentation. The numbers above the segmented reconstructions are the SSIM scores. The red dots mark the center of the electrodes. Yellow marks the conductive inclusion, dark blue marks the resistive, and teal green marks the background
Figure 3. Reconstructions from training data of a phantom, labeled Training Phantom 4 in the figure, using the Baseline method for difficulty levels 1, 4 and 7. Top row: Unsegmented reconstructions. Bottom row: Segmented reconstructions using Otsu segmentation. The numbers above the segmented reconstructions are the SSIM scores. The red dots mark the center of the electrodes. Yellow marks the conductive inclusion, dark blue marks the resistive, and teal green marks the background
Figure 5. The three-step process used to segment the reconstruction $ \widehat{\Delta \pmb{{\sigma}}} $ into three different classes using Chan–Vese segmentation method. Left: First, Chan–Vese segmentation is applied to $ |\widehat{\Delta \pmb{{\sigma}}}| $. Middle: The type of inclusion is determined for each connected component using the values $ \widehat{\Delta \pmb{{\sigma}}}_{ij} $. Right: Final classification
Figure 6. Reconstructions from the training data of Training Phantom 1 using the SR method and the SR-CV method for difficulty levels 1, 4 and 7. Top row: Unsegmented reconstructions. Middle row: Segmented reconstructions using Otsu segmentation. Bottom row: Segmented reconstructions using Chan–Vese segmentation. The numbers above the segmented reconstructions are the SSIM scores. The red dots mark the center of the electrodes. Yellow marks the conductive inclusion, dark blue marks the resistive, and teal green marks the background
Figure 7. Reconstructions from the training data of Training Phantom 4 using the SR method and the SR-CV method for difficulty levels 1, 4 and 7. Top row: Unsegmented reconstructions. Middle row: Segmented reconstructions using Otsu segmentation. Bottom row: Segmented reconstructions using Chan–Vese segmentation. The numbers above the segmented reconstructions are the SSIM scores. The red dots mark the center of the electrodes. Dark blue marks the resistive inclusion and teal green marks the background
Figure 8. Reconstructions from the training data of Training Phantom 1 (top row) and Training Phantom 4 (bottom row) using the SR-TV-LS method for difficulty levels 1, 4 and 7. The numbers above the segmented reconstructions are the SSIM scores. The red dots mark the center of the electrodes. Yellow marks the conductive inclusion, dark blue marks the resistive, and teal green marks the background
Figure 9. Reconstructions of the highest difficulty level from the evaluation data for three different phantoms, labeled Evaluation Phantom 7A, Evaluation Phantom 7B and Evaluation Phantom 7C in the figure, using the SR method (second column), SR-CV method (third column) and SR-TV-LS method (fourth column). The numbers above the segmented reconstructions are the SSIM scores. Yellow marks the conductive inclusion, dark blue marks the resistive, and teal green marks the background
Figure 10. Performance of our proposed methods reported by the SSIM scores for the reconstructions. (Left) our computed reconstruction scores from the training data for each method averaged over 4 cases for each level. The same set of 4 phantoms are used in each level. We also show the reconstruction score for the Baseline method. (Right) computed reconstruction scores [33] from the evaluation data for each method, averaged over 3 cases for each level. In each level, a different set of 3 phantoms is used. We also show the reconstruction score for the best-performing method in the competition [33]. We note the scores on evaluation data are drawn from the distributed competition results
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(a) An EIT setup from the University of Eastern Finland [19]. This is not the exact setup used to generate the data. (b) Conceptual illustration of the computational domain
Reconstructions from training data of a phantom, labeled Training Phantom 1 in the figure, using the Baseline method for difficulty levels 1, 4 and 7. Top row: Unsegmented reconstructions. Bottom row: Segmented reconstructions using Otsu segmentation. The numbers above the segmented reconstructions are the SSIM scores. The red dots mark the center of the electrodes. Yellow marks the conductive inclusion, dark blue marks the resistive, and teal green marks the background
Reconstructions from training data of a phantom, labeled Training Phantom 4 in the figure, using the Baseline method for difficulty levels 1, 4 and 7. Top row: Unsegmented reconstructions. Bottom row: Segmented reconstructions using Otsu segmentation. The numbers above the segmented reconstructions are the SSIM scores. The red dots mark the center of the electrodes. Yellow marks the conductive inclusion, dark blue marks the resistive, and teal green marks the background
Visual representation of the spatial regularization imposed by the weights matrix
The three-step process used to segment the reconstruction
Reconstructions from the training data of Training Phantom 1 using the SR method and the SR-CV method for difficulty levels 1, 4 and 7. Top row: Unsegmented reconstructions. Middle row: Segmented reconstructions using Otsu segmentation. Bottom row: Segmented reconstructions using Chan–Vese segmentation. The numbers above the segmented reconstructions are the SSIM scores. The red dots mark the center of the electrodes. Yellow marks the conductive inclusion, dark blue marks the resistive, and teal green marks the background
Reconstructions from the training data of Training Phantom 4 using the SR method and the SR-CV method for difficulty levels 1, 4 and 7. Top row: Unsegmented reconstructions. Middle row: Segmented reconstructions using Otsu segmentation. Bottom row: Segmented reconstructions using Chan–Vese segmentation. The numbers above the segmented reconstructions are the SSIM scores. The red dots mark the center of the electrodes. Dark blue marks the resistive inclusion and teal green marks the background
Reconstructions from the training data of Training Phantom 1 (top row) and Training Phantom 4 (bottom row) using the SR-TV-LS method for difficulty levels 1, 4 and 7. The numbers above the segmented reconstructions are the SSIM scores. The red dots mark the center of the electrodes. Yellow marks the conductive inclusion, dark blue marks the resistive, and teal green marks the background
Reconstructions of the highest difficulty level from the evaluation data for three different phantoms, labeled Evaluation Phantom 7A, Evaluation Phantom 7B and Evaluation Phantom 7C in the figure, using the SR method (second column), SR-CV method (third column) and SR-TV-LS method (fourth column). The numbers above the segmented reconstructions are the SSIM scores. Yellow marks the conductive inclusion, dark blue marks the resistive, and teal green marks the background
Performance of our proposed methods reported by the SSIM scores for the reconstructions. (Left) our computed reconstruction scores from the training data for each method averaged over 4 cases for each level. The same set of 4 phantoms are used in each level. We also show the reconstruction score for the Baseline method. (Right) computed reconstruction scores [33] from the evaluation data for each method, averaged over 3 cases for each level. In each level, a different set of 3 phantoms is used. We also show the reconstruction score for the best-performing method in the competition [33]. We note the scores on evaluation data are drawn from the distributed competition results