Citation: |
[1] |
J. Y. Wakano, K. Aoki and M. W. Feldman, Evolution of social learning: a mathematical analysis, Theoretical Population Biology, 66 (2004), 249-258.doi: 10.1016/j.tpb.2004.06.005. |
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J. Y. Wakano and K. Aoki, Do social learning and conformist bias coevolve? Henrich and Boyd revisited, Theoretical Population Biology, 72 (2007), 504-512.doi: 10.1016/j.tpb.2007.04.003. |
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J. Y. Wakano and K. Aoki, A mixed strategy model for the emergence and intensification of social learning in a periodically changing natural environment, Theoretical Population Biology, 70 (2006), 486-497.doi: 10.1016/j.tpb.2006.04.003. |
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K. Aoki, J. Y. Wakano and M. W. Feldman, The emergence of social learning in a temporally changing environment: A theoretical model, Current Anthropology, 46 (2005), 334-340.doi: 10.1086/428791. |
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W. Nakahashi, The evolution of conformist transmission in social learning when the environment changes periodically, Theoretical Population Biology, 72 (2007), 52-66.doi: 10.1016/j.tpb.2007.03.003. |
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J. Y. Wakano, A mathematical analysis on public goods games in the continuous space, Mathematical Biosciences, 201 (2006), 72-89.doi: 10.1016/j.mbs.2005.12.015. |
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J. Y. Wakano, Evolution of cooperation in spatial public goods games with common resource dynamics, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 247 (2007), 616-622.doi: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2007.04.008. |
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Y. Iwasa, T. Uchida and H. Yokomizo, Nonlinear behavior of the socio-economic dynamics for lake eutrophication control, Ecological Economics, 63 (2007), 219-229.doi: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2006.11.003. |
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