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Local uniqueness of steady spherical transonic shock-fronts for the three--dimensional full Euler equations

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • We establish the local uniqueness of steady transonic shock solutions with spherical symmetry for the three-dimensional full Euler equations. These transonic shock-fronts are important for understanding transonic shock phenomena in divergent nozzles. From mathematical point of view, we show the uniqueness of solutions of a free boundary problem for a multidimensional quasilinear system of mixed-composite elliptic--hyperbolic type. To this end, we develop a decomposition of the Euler system which works in a general Riemannian manifold, a method to study a Venttsel problem of nonclassical nonlocal elliptic operators, and an iteration mapping which possesses locally a unique fixed point. The approach reveals an intrinsic structure of the steady Euler system and subtle interactions of its elliptic and hyperbolic part.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: 5M20, 35J65, 35R35, 35B45, 76H05, 76L05.


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