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Homogenization and correctors for the hyperbolic problems with imperfect interfaces via the periodic unfolding method

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • In this paper, we study the homogenization and corrector results for the hyperbolic problem in a two-component composite with $\varepsilon$-periodic connected inclusions. The condition prescribed on the interface is that a jump of the solution is proportional to the conormal derivatives via a function of order $\varepsilon^\gamma$ ($\gamma < -1$). The main ingredient of the proof of our main theorems is the time-dependent periodic unfolding method in two-component domains. Our homogenization results recover those of the corresponding case in [Donato, Faella and Monsurrò, J. Math. Pures Appl. 87 (2007), pp. 119-143]. We also derive the corresponding corrector results.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 35B27; Secondary: 35L05, 82B24.


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