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Transition fronts in nonlocal Fisher-KPP equations in time heterogeneous media

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • The present paper is devoted to the study of transition fronts of nonlocal Fisher-KPP equations in time heterogeneous media. We first construct transition fronts with exact decaying rates as the space variable tends to infinity and with prescribed interface location functions, which are natural generalizations of front location functions in homogeneous media. Then, by the general results on space regularity of transition fronts of nonlocal evolution equations proven in the authors' earlier work ([25]), these transition fronts are continuously differentiable in space. We show that their space partial derivatives have exact decaying rates as the space variable tends to infinity. Finally, we study the asymptotic stability of transition fronts. It is shown that transition fronts attract those solutions whose initial data decays as fast as transition fronts near infinity and essentially above zero near negative infinity.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: 35C07, 47J35, 58D25, 34G20, 92D25.


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