We study various regularity properties of minimizers of the $\Phi$–perimeter, where $\Phi$ is a norm. Under suitable assumptions on $\Phi$ and on the dimension of the ambient space, we prove that the boundary of a cartesian minimizer is locally a Lipschitz graph out of a closed singular set of small Hausdorff dimension. Moreover, we show the following anisotropic Bernstein-type result: any entire cartesian minimizer is the subgraph of a monotone function depending only on one variable.
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$C_1^{(2)}(0, 0)\cup C_2^{(2)}(l, 0)$ with $l>0$ in Example 2.7(a) and its boundary. The right picture is a slight rotation of the left picture
Union $C$ of $C_1^{(2)}(0, 0)$ and the $(-\pi/2)$-rotation of $C_2^{(2)}(0, 0)$ in Example 2.7(b). Notice that $C_t$ for $t=0$ is not a minimizer of the Euclidean perimeter in $\mathbb{R}^2$; however, this does not affect the minimality of $C$
In case $0 < \gamma\leq l, $ among all sets connecting two components of $E$ the strip parallel to $\xi_1$-axis has the "smallest" $\Phi$-perimeter
"Roof" like cone (left) and its section (right) along $(\partial H_1\cap\partial H_2)^\perp$
Sections of cones when $\lambda_1 < +\infty$ and $\lambda_1=+\infty$