In this paper, we consider the final state problem for the nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation (NLKG) with a critical nonlinearity in three space dimensions: $(\Box+1)u = λ|u|^{2/3}u$, $t∈\mathbb{R}$, $x∈\mathbb{R}^{3}$, where $\Box = \partial_{t}^{2}-Δ$ is d'Alembertian. We prove that for a given asymptotic profile $u_{\mathrm{ap}}$, there exists a solution $u$ to (NLKG) which converges to $u_{\mathrm{ap}}$ as $t\to∞$. Here the asymptotic profile $u_{\mathrm{ap}}$ is given by the leading term of the solution to the linear Klein-Gordon equation with a logarithmic phase correction. Construction of a suitable approximate solution is based on the combination of Fourier series expansion for the nonlinearity used in our previous paper [
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