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A blowup alternative result for fractional nonautonomous evolution equation of Volterra type

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  • In this article, we consider a class of fractional non-autonomous integro-differential evolution equation of Volterra type in a Banach space $E$, where the operators in linear part (possibly unbounded) depend on time $t$. Combining the theory of fractional calculus, operator semigroups and measure of noncompactness with Sadovskii's fixed point theorem, we firstly proved the local existence of mild solutions for corresponding fractional non-autonomous integro-differential evolution equation. Based on the local existence result and a piecewise extended method, we obtained a blowup alternative result for fractional non-autonomous integro-differential evolution equation of Volterra type. Finally, as a sample of application, these results are applied to a time fractional non-autonomous partial integro-differential equation of Volterra type with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition. This paper is a continuation of Heard and Rakin [13, J. Differential Equations, 1988] and the results obtained essentially improve and extend some related conclusions in this area.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 35R11; Secondary: 47H08, 47J35.


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